Person Object

Describes the person's name, company and address.


namestringThe first and the last name of the person, separated by a space.
companyNamestring, optionalThe person’s company name, if applicable
streetstring, optionalThe street address of the person, if applicable. If there are two address lines, they are separated by a newline character ‘\n’
citystring, optionalThe person’s city, if applicable
countryCodestring, optionalThe person’s country code, as listed in ISO 3166-2
postalCodestring, optionalThe person’s postal code or ZIP code, if applicable
stateOrProvinceCodestring, optionalThe person’s region/state/province code by ISO 3166-2. Please note that not all countries regional codes are listed in the Ecwid database so far.
countryNamestring, optionalCountry name, if applicable
phonestring, optionalPhone number, if applicable