Bulk update product reviews

Access scopes

Requires the following access scope: read_reviews


The Authorization header with a secret access token is required.

AuthorizationBearer secret_ab***cdAccess token of the application.


Request body contains a JSON object with the following fields:

deletebooleanDefines if selected reviews will be deleted. Set true to delete reviews. Required
newStatusstringNew review status. One of:
moderated - review is sent by a customer but not yet published.
published - review is published.
selectModestringReview selection mode for the update. Must be one of:

- "SELECTED" - Only update reviews from reviewIds array.
- "ALL_FILTERED" - Only update reviews found by criteria in currentFilters object.
- "ALL" - Update all reviews in the store.Required
reviewIdsarray of numbersList of review IDs for the update.
currentFiltersobject currentFiltersID of the reviewed product.


ratingbooleanDefines if selected reviews will be deleted. Set true to delete reviews. Required
newStatusstringNew review status. One of:
moderated - review is sent by a customer but not yet published.
published - review is published.
selectModestringReview selection mode for the update. Must be one of:

- "SELECTED" - Only update reviews from reviewIds array.
- "ALL_FILTERED" - Only update reviews found by criteria in currentFilters object.
- "ALL" - Update all reviews in the store.Required
reviewIdsarray of numbersList of review IDs for the update.
currentFiltersobject currentFiltersID of the reviewed product.
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