Update cover for product gallery video

This method updates the cover of the video in product gallery. Maximum allowed file size is 20Mb. Only JPEG is accepted.

Upload an image from an external resource using the externalUrl query parameter. Alternatively, you can send an image as binary data in the request body.

Access scopes

Requires the following access scope: update_catalog


AuthorizationstringAuthorize request with an access token. Format:Bearer access_token.
Example: Bearer secret_ab***cd, where secret_ab***cd is your access token.
Content-TypestringMust be "image/jpeg"


A JSON object with the following fields:

idnumberInternal image ID


In case of error, Ecwid responds with an error HTTP status code and JSON-formatted body containing error description

HTTP codes

HTTP StatusDescription
400Request parameters are malformed
402The functionality/method is not available on the merchant plan
403Access token doesn't have update_catalog scope
404Product is not found / Video is not found
413The image file is too large (Maximum allowed size is 20Mb)
415Unsupported content-type: expected application/octet-stream
422The uploaded file is not an image
500Uploading of the image file failed or there was an internal server error while processing a file

Error response body (optional)

errorMessagestringError message
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!