Get all variations of a specific product in an Ecwid store.
Request and response example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secret_ab***cd'
"id": 422488527,
"combinationNumber": 3,
"options": [
"name": "Mark",
"nameTranslated": {
"cs": "",
"en": "Mark"
"value": "III",
"valueTranslated": {
"cs": "",
"en": "III"
"inStock": true,
"unlimited": true,
"attributes": [],
"defaultDisplayedPrice": 27.5,
"defaultDisplayedPriceFormatted": "€27,50",
"dimensions": {
"length": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0
"volume": 0,
"outOfStockVisibilityBehaviour": "SHOW",
"lowestPrice": 10,
"defaultDisplayedLowestPrice": 11,
"defaultDisplayedLowestPriceFormatted": "€11,00",
"lowestPriceSettings": {
"lowestPriceEnabled": true
"alt": {
"translated": {}
"id": 422488528,
"combinationNumber": 2,
"options": [
"name": "Mark",
"nameTranslated": {
"cs": "",
"en": "Mark"
"value": "II",
"valueTranslated": {
"cs": "",
"en": "II"
"inStock": true,
"unlimited": true,
"attributes": [],
"defaultDisplayedPrice": 27.5,
"defaultDisplayedPriceFormatted": "€27,50",
"dimensions": {
"length": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0
"volume": 0,
"outOfStockVisibilityBehaviour": "SHOW",
"lowestPrice": 10,
"defaultDisplayedLowestPrice": 11,
"defaultDisplayedLowestPriceFormatted": "€11,00",
"lowestPriceSettings": {
"lowestPriceEnabled": true
"alt": {
"translated": {}
"id": 422488529,
"combinationNumber": 1,
"options": [
"name": "Mark",
"nameTranslated": {
"cs": "",
"en": "Mark"
"value": "I",
"valueTranslated": {
"cs": "",
"en": "I"
"inStock": true,
"unlimited": true,
"attributes": [],
"defaultDisplayedPrice": 27.5,
"defaultDisplayedPriceFormatted": "€27,50",
"dimensions": {
"length": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0
"volume": 0,
"outOfStockVisibilityBehaviour": "SHOW",
"lowestPrice": 10,
"defaultDisplayedLowestPrice": 11,
"defaultDisplayedLowestPriceFormatted": "€11,00",
"lowestPriceSettings": {
"lowestPriceEnabled": true
"alt": {
"translated": {}
Access scopes
Requires the following access scope: read_catalog
Path params
Param | Type | Description |
storeId | number | Ecwid store ID. |
productId | number | Product ID. |
Query params
All query params are optional.
Param | Type | Description |
lang | string | Language ISO code for translations in JSON response, e.g. en , fr . If a certain field does not have the translation available for the set language, the default language text will be used for that field |
responseFields | string | Limit JSON response by specific fields. If specified, all missing fields will be removed from the response body. Example: ?responseFields=id,inStock |
Example of using responseFields
curl --location ',inStock' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secret_ab***cd'
"id": 422488527,
"inStock": true
"id": 422488528,
"inStock": true
"id": 422488529,
"inStock": true
The Authorization header with a secret access token is required.
Header | Format | Description |
Authorization | Bearer secret_ab***cd | Access token of the application. |
An array of JSON objects with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
id | number | Unique product variation ID. |
combinationNumber | number | Sorting number of the product variation starting with 1 . |
options | Array options | Set of options and their choices that identify the variation. |
sku | string | Variation SKU. |
imageUrl | string | URL of the product variation image resized to fit 1500x1500px. |
hdThumbnailUrl | string | URL of the product variation thumbnail resized to fit 800x800px. |
thumbnailUrl | string | URL of the product variation thumbnail resized to fit 400x400px. |
smallThumbnailUrl | string | URL of the product variation thumbnail resized to fit 160x160px. |
originalImageUrl | string | URL of the original not resized product variation image. Omitted if the variation inherits the base product's image from the originalImageUrl field. |
imageExternalId | string | Image ID for Lightspeed R-Series/X-Series image sync. Read-only |
quantity | number | In-stock amount of the product variation. If sku is omitted, uses base product stock. |
unlimited | boolean | true if the variation has unlimited stock. |
price | number | Product variation price. |
isShippingRequired | boolean | true if variation requires shipping, false otherwise |
wholesalePrices | Array wholesalePrices | Sorted array of the variation's wholesale price tiers (quantity limit and price). Omitted if the variation inherits the base product's tiered price settings |
weight | number | Variation weight in the units defined in store settings. Omitted if the variation inherits the base product's weight. |
warningLimit | number | The minimum 'warning' amount of the product items in stock for this variation, if set. When the variation in stock amount reaches this level, the store administrator gets an email notification. Omitted if the variation inherits the base product's settings |
attributes | Array attributes | Variation's UPC attribute and its value |
defaultDisplayedPrice | number | Product price displayed in a storefront for logged out customer for default location (store location). May differ from the price value when the product has options and variations and the default variation's price is different from the base product price. It also includes taxes |
defaultDisplayedPriceFormatted | string | Formatted displayed price |
costPrice | number | Purchase price (the price at which the seller bought the product from the supplier). A positive number, 0 by default. The field is not shown in the UI and can be used for reports and profit calculations |
dimensions | Object dimensions | Variation dimensions info |
compareToPrice | number | Variation's sale price displayed strike-out in the customer frontend Omitted if empty |
minPurchaseQuantity | number | Sets minimum product variation purchase quantity. Default value is taken from a base product. Not visible if the value is not assigned. |
maxPurchaseQuantity | number | Sets maximum product variation purchase quantity. Default value is taken from a base product. Not visible if the value is not assigned. |
lowestPrice | number | Value of the product's "Lowest price" used for promotions. This value matches with the one displayed in Ecwid admin. |
defaultDisplayedLowestPrice | number | Value of the lowest product price with applied taxes (lowestPrice + tax ). Matches with the lowest product price displayed on the storefront. |
defaultDisplayedLowestPriceFormatted | string | Formatted lowest price displayed on the storefront (defaultDisplayedLowestPrice ). Uses store formatting settings.Example: "defaultDisplayedLowestPrice": 45 => "defaultDisplayedLowestPriceFormatted": "45.00" . |
outOfStockVisibilityBehaviour | string | Defines if a variation is visible and/or can be pre-ordered when out-of-stock. Requires enabled pre-orders which can be enabled with the allowPreordersForOutOfStockProducts setting in /profile endpoint.Supported values: SHOW - Show out-of-stock variations, but adding them to the cart is impossible.HIDE - Hide out-of-stock variations.ALLOW_PREORDER - Show out-of-stock variations and allow them to be added to the cart. |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Option name |
nameTranslated | Object translations | Available translations for product option name |
value | string | Option value |
valueTranslated | Object translations | Available translations for product option value |
Object with text field translations in the "lang": "text"
format, where the "lang"
is an ISO 639-1 language code. Example:
"en": "Sample text",
"nl": "Voorbeeldtekst"
Translations for each available language. If no other translations are provided, the default language translations is returned. See available languages in store language settings.
Field | Type | Description |
quantity | number | Number of product items on this wholesale tier |
price | number | Product price on the tier |
Field | Type | Description |
id | number | Unique attribute ID. See Product Classes for the information on attribute IDs |
name | string | Attribute displayed name |
value | string | Attribute value |
type | string | Attribute type. There are user-defined attributes, general attributes and special 'price per unit’ attributes. The 'type’ field contains one of the following: CUSTOM , UPC , BRAND , GENDER , AGE_GROUP , COLOR , SIZE , PRICE_PER_UNIT , UNITS_IN_PRODUCT |
show | string | Defines where to display the product attribute value:. Supported values: NOTSHOW , DESCR , PRICE |
Field | Type | Description |
length | number | Length of a variation |
width | number | Width of a variation |
height | number | Height of a variation |