post (COPY)
Upload a custom image for a specific product variation referring to its ID.
Upload a product variation image asynchronously from an external resource.
Access scopes
Requires the following access scope: create_catalog
Path params
Param | Type | Description |
storeId | number | Ecwid store ID. |
productId | number | Product ID. |
combinationId | number | Product variation ID. |
The Authorization header with a secret access token is required.
Header | Format | Description |
Authorization | Bearer secret_ab***cd | Access token of the application. |
Request body can have the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
url | string | Image URL for upload. Required |
width | string | Width of the image. Required |
height | string | Height of the image. Required |
externalId | string | Image ID for Lightspeed R-Series/X-Series image sync. Optional field. |
alt | object alt | Information about image alt text. |
Field | Type | Description |
main | string | Image alt text in the main store language. |
translated | map translated | Image alt text translations. |
Object with text field translations in the "lang": "text"
format, where the "lang"
is an ISO 639-1 language code. Example:
"en": "Sample text",
"nl": "Voorbeeldtekst"
Translations for each available language. If no other translations are provided, the default language translations is returned. See available languages in store language settings.