Get store profile

Get basic information about an Ecwid store: settings, store location, email, etc.

Request and response example


curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secret_ab***cd'


    "generalInfo": {
        "storeId": 1003,
        "storeUrl": "",
        "websitePlatform": "instantsite",
        "profileId": "p3855016",
        "starterSite": {
            "ecwidSubdomain": "demostore",
            "generatedUrl": "",
            "storeLogoUrl": "",
            "ecwidSubdomainSuffix": "",
            "slugsWithoutIdsEnabled": true
    "account": {
        "accountName": "API Team Store",
        "accountEmail": "",
        "whiteLabel": false,
        "brandName": "Ecwid",
        "supportEmail": "",
        "suspended": false,
        "itunesSubscriptionsAvailable": false,
        "googlePlaySubscriptionsAvailable": true,
        "trackStorefrontStats": true,
        "availableFeatures": [
        "registrationDate": "2018-11-23 14:39:14 +0000",
        "paid": true,
        "limitsAndRestrictions": {
            "maxProductLimit": 2500
    "settings": {
        "closed": false,
        "storeName": "API Team Store",
        "storeDescription": "",
        "storeDescriptionTranslated": {
            "cs": "",
            "en": ""
        "invoiceLogoUrl": "",
        "emailLogoUrl": "",
        "googleRemarketingEnabled": false,
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        "orderCommentsEnabled": false,
        "orderCommentsCaption": "Leave order comments here:",
        "orderCommentsCaptionTranslated": {
            "en": "Leave order comments here:"
        "orderCommentsRequired": true,
        "hideOutOfStockProductsInStorefront": false,
        "askCompanyName": true,
        "favoritesEnabled": true,
        "defaultProductSortOrder": "DEFINED_BY_STORE_OWNER",
        "productSortOrderInCart": "TIME_ADDED_TO_CART_ASC",
        "abandonedSales": {
            "autoAbandonedSalesRecovery": true
        "salePrice": {
            "displayOnProductList": true,
            "oldPriceLabel": "",
            "oldPriceLabelTranslated": {
                "cs": "",
                "en": ""
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            "displayLowestPrice": true
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        "acceptMarketingCheckboxDefaultValue": true,
        "acceptMarketingCheckboxCustomText": "",
        "acceptMarketingCheckboxCustomTextTranslated": {
            "cs": "",
            "en": ""
        "askConsentToTrackInStorefront": false,
        "wixExternalTrackingEnabled": false,
        "openBagOnAddition": false,
        "requirePhoneOnCheckout": true,
        "askZipCode": true,
        "showPricePerUnit": true,
        "askTaxId": false,
        "googleProductCategory": 412,
        "googleProductCategoryName": "Food, Beverages & Tobacco",
        "productCondition": "NEW",
        "recurringSubscriptionsSettings": {
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            "supportedPaymentMethodsStatuses": {
                "supportedPaymentMethodsAreAvailable": true,
                "supportedPaymentMethodsAreConnected": false
        "allowPreordersForOutOfStockProducts": false,
        "showCostPriceInControlPanel": false,
        "rootCategorySeoTitle": "",
        "rootCategorySeoTitleTranslated": {
            "cs": "",
            "en": ""
        "rootCategorySeoDescription": "",
        "rootCategorySeoDescriptionTranslated": {
            "cs": "",
            "en": ""
        "showRepeatOrderButton": false,
        "productReviewsFeatureEnabled": false,
        "linkUpEnabled": true
    "mailNotifications": {
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                "enabled": true
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                "enabled": true
            "orderDelivered": {
                "enabled": false
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                "enabled": true
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                "enabled": true
            "customerLoyaltyAppreciation": {
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                "enabled": false
            "purchaseAnniversary": {
                "enabled": true
    "phoneNotifications": {
        "adminNotificationPhones": []
    "company": {
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            "multiline": "%NAME%\n%COMPANY_NAME%\n%STREET%\n%POSTAL% %CITY% %STATE_NAME%\n%COUNTRY_NAME%"
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                "estimatedShippingTimeAtCheckoutSettings": {
                    "estimatedDeliveryDateAtCheckoutEnabled": false,
                    "estimatedTransitTimeInDays": [
                    "fulfillmentTimeInDays": [
                    "cutoffTimeForSameDayPacking": "16:00",
                    "shippingBusinessDays": [
                    "deliveryDays": []
                "id": "4959-1595934622523",
                "title": "Pickup",
                "titleTranslated": {
                    "cs": "",
                    "en": "Pickup"
                "enabled": true,
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                    "id": "WORLD",
                    "name": "WORLD"
                "businessHours": "{\"MON\":[[\"00:00\",\"00:00\"]], \"TUE\":[[\"00:00\",\"00:00\"]], \"WED\":[[\"00:00\",\"00:00\"]], \"THU\":[[\"00:00\",\"00:00\"]], \"FRI\":[[\"00:00\",\"00:00\"]]}",
                "scheduled": false,
                "fulfillmentTimeInMinutes": 0,
                "pickupInstruction": "",
                "pickupInstructionTranslated": {
                    "cs": "",
                    "en": ""
                "scheduledPickup": false,
                "pickupPreparationTimeHours": 0,
                "pickupBusinessHours": "{\"MON\":[[\"00:00\",\"00:00\"]], \"TUE\":[[\"00:00\",\"00:00\"]], \"WED\":[[\"00:00\",\"00:00\"]], \"THU\":[[\"00:00\",\"00:00\"]], \"FRI\":[[\"00:00\",\"00:00\"]]}",
                "flatRate": {
                    "rateType": "ABSOLUTE",
                    "rate": 0
    "zones": [
            "id": "2686-1580712192121",
            "name": "Весь мир",
            "countryCodes": [
            "id": "WORLD",
            "name": "WORLD"
    "taxes": [
            "id": 947976181,
            "name": "10% Tax",
            "enabled": true,
            "includeInPrice": true,
            "useShippingAddress": true,
            "taxShipping": false,
            "appliedByDefault": true,
            "defaultTax": 10,
            "rules": []
    "taxSettings": {
        "automaticTaxEnabled": false,
        "euIossEnabled": false,
        "ukVatRegistered": false,
        "taxes": [
                "id": 947976181,
                "name": "10% Tax",
                "enabled": true,
                "includeInPrice": true,
                "useShippingAddress": true,
                "taxShipping": false,
                "appliedByDefault": true,
                "defaultTax": 10,
                "rules": []
        "pricesIncludeTax": true,
        "taxExemptBusiness": false,
        "b2b_b2c": "b2c",
        "electronicInvoiceFieldsAtCheckoutEnabled": false,
        "taxOnShippingCalculationScheme": "AUTOMATIC"
    "payment": {
        "paymentOptions": [
                "id": "13379-1606718590771",
                "enabled": true,
                "configured": true,
                "checkoutTitle": "Offline",
                "checkoutTitleTranslated": {
                    "cs": "",
                    "en": "Offline"
                "checkoutDescription": "",
                "paymentProcessorId": "offline",
                "paymentProcessorTitle": "",
                "orderBy": 0,
                "appClientId": "",
                "appNamespace": "",
                "paymentSurcharges": {
                    "type": "ABSOLUTE",
                    "value": 0
                "instructionsForCustomer": {
                    "instructionsTitle": "",
                    "instructions": "<p>TEST</p>",
                    "instructionsTranslated": {
                        "cs": "",
                        "en": "<p>TEST</p>"
                "methods": []
                "id": "110084370-1655211194360",
                "enabled": true,
                "configured": true,
                "checkoutTitle": "Amazon Pay",
                "checkoutTitleTranslated": {
                    "cs": "",
                    "en": "Amazon Pay"
                "checkoutDescription": "",
                "paymentProcessorId": "customPaymentApp",
                "paymentProcessorTitle": "CUSTOM_PAYMENT_APP-infiniteapps-dev",
                "orderBy": 10,
                "appClientId": "infiniteapps-dev",
                "appNamespace": "infiniteapps-dev",
                "instructionsForCustomer": {
                    "instructionsTitle": "",
                    "instructions": "",
                    "instructionsTranslated": {
                        "cs": "",
                        "en": ""
                "methods": []
                "id": "217779581-1724151534488",
                "enabled": true,
                "configured": true,
                "checkoutTitle": "TEST PAYMENT",
                "checkoutTitleTranslated": {
                    "cs": "",
                    "en": "TEST PAYMENT"
                "checkoutDescription": "",
                "paymentProcessorId": "customPaymentApp",
                "paymentProcessorTitle": "CUSTOM_PAYMENT_APP-custom-app-15695068-1",
                "orderBy": 20,
                "appClientId": "custom-app-15695068-1",
                "appNamespace": "custom-app-15695068-1",
                "instructionsForCustomer": {
                    "instructionsTitle": "",
                    "instructions": "",
                    "instructionsTranslated": {
                        "cs": "",
                        "en": ""
                "methods": []
        "applePay": {
            "enabled": false,
            "available": false
        "applePayOptions": []
    "featureToggles": [
            "name": "ALLOW_EMPTY_AND_NON_UNIQUE_SKU",
            "visible": false,
            "enabled": false
            "name": "CONSECUTIVE_ORDER_IDS",
            "visible": false,
            "enabled": false
            "name": "INSTANT_SITE_V2",
            "visible": true,
            "enabled": true
            "name": "NEW_STARTERSITE",
            "visible": false,
            "enabled": true
            "name": "RANDOM_ORDER_IDS",
            "visible": false,
            "enabled": true
            "visible": true,
            "enabled": true
    "legalPagesSettings": {
        "requireTermsAgreementAtCheckout": false,
        "legalPages": []
    "designSettings": {
        "enable_catalog_on_one_page": false,
        "product_list_image_size": "SMALL",
        "product_list_image_aspect_ratio": "LANDSCAPE_15",
        "product_list_image_position": "FIT",
        "product_list_category_image_aspect_ratio": "LANDSCAPE_1333",
        "product_list_category_image_position": "AUTO",
        "product_list_show_product_images": true,
        "product_list_product_info_layout": "CENTER",
        "product_list_show_frame": false,
        "product_list_show_additional_image_on_hover": false,
        "product_list_title_behavior": "SHOW",
        "product_list_price_behavior": "SHOW",
        "product_list_sku_behavior": "HIDE",
        "product_list_buybutton_behavior": "SHOW",
        "product_list_category_title_behavior": "SHOW_BELOW_IMAGE",
        "product_list_image_has_shadow": false,
        "show_signin_link": true,
        "show_signin_link_with_unified_account_page": false,
        "show_footer_menu": true,
        "show_breadcrumbs": true,
        "product_list_show_sort_viewas_options": true,
        "product_filters_position_search_page": "LEFT",
        "product_filters_position_category_page": "RIGHT",
        "product_filters_opened_by_default_on_category_page": true,
        "product_details_show_product_sku": true,
        "product_details_layout": "TWO_COLUMNS_SIDEBAR_ON_THE_RIGHT",
        "product_details_two_columns_with_right_sidebar_show_product_description_on_sidebar": false,
        "product_details_two_columns_with_left_sidebar_show_product_description_on_sidebar": true,
        "product_details_show_product_name": true,
        "product_details_show_breadcrumbs": true,
        "product_details_show_product_price": true,
        "product_details_show_sale_price": true,
        "product_details_show_tax": true,
        "product_details_show_attributes": true,
        "product_details_show_weight": false,
        "product_details_show_product_description": true,
        "product_details_show_delivery_time": true,
        "product_details_show_product_options": true,
        "product_details_show_wholesale_prices": true,
        "product_details_show_save_for_later": true,
        "product_details_show_share_buttons": true,
        "product_details_position_product_name": 200,
        "product_details_position_breadcrumbs": 100,
        "product_details_position_product_sku": 300,
        "product_details_position_product_price": 400,
        "product_details_position_product_options": 600,
        "product_details_position_buy_button": 700,
        "product_details_position_wholesale_prices": 800,
        "product_details_position_product_description": 2147483647,
        "product_details_position_save_for_later": 1000,
        "product_details_position_share_buttons": 1100,
        "product_details_show_price_per_unit": true,
        "product_details_show_qty": true,
        "product_details_show_in_stock_label": true,
        "product_details_show_number_of_items_in_stock": true,
        "product_details_gallery_layout": "IMAGE_SINGLE_THUMBNAILS_HORIZONTAL",
        "cart_widget_layout": "SMALL_ICON_COUNTER",
        "shopping_cart_show_qty_inputs_on_mobile": true,
        "enable_page_transitions": true,
        "product_list_subtitles_behavior": "SHOW",
        "product_details_show_subtitle": true,
        "product_details_position_subtitle": 500,
        "product_details_show_navigation_arrows": true,
        "product_details_show_product_photo_zoom": true,
        "product_details_show_breadcrumbs_position": "PRODUCT_DETAILS_SIDEBAR",
        "product_details_position_review_section": 950,
        "product_details_show_rating_section": true,
        "product_details_show_reviews_section": true,
        "product_list_rating_section_behavior": "SHOW",
        "show_numeric_rating_in_five_stars_view": true,
        "show_rating_section_in_single_star_view": false,
        "show_review_count_in_five_stars_view": true,
        "show_review_section_in_single_review_view": true
    "productFiltersSettings": {
        "enabledInStorefront": true,
        "filterSections": [
                "type": "IN_STOCK",
                "enabled": true
                "type": "ON_SALE",
                "enabled": true
                "type": "PRICE",
                "enabled": true
                "type": "CATEGORIES",
                "enabled": true
                "type": "SEARCH",
                "enabled": true
                "name": "Custom Attribute 1",
                "type": "ATTRIBUTE",
                "enabled": true
    "orderInvoiceSettings": {
        "invoiceLogoUrl": "",
        "attachInvoiceToOrderEmailNotifications": "DO_NOT_ATTACH"
    "socialLinksSettings": {
        "facebook": {},
        "instagram": {},
        "twitter": {},
        "youtube": {},
        "vk": {},
        "pinterest": {}
    "registrationAnswers": {
        "alreadySelling": "offline_only",
        "goods": "health",
        "forSomeone": "yes",
        "website": "no"
    "tipsSettings": {
        "enabled": false,
        "type": "PERCENT",
        "options": [
        "defaultOption": 0,
        "title": "Support us with a donation",
        "subtitle": "We appreciate all donations, and even the tiniest bit helps us continue what we’re doing.",
        "titleTranslated": {
            "cs": "",
            "en": "Support us with a donation"
        "subtitleTranslated": {
            "cs": "",
            "en": "We appreciate all donations, and even the tiniest bit helps us continue what we’re doing."
    "taxInvoiceSettings": {
        "taxInvoiceLogoUrl": "",
        "attachTaxInvoiceToOrderEmailNotifications": "ATTACH_TO_ALL_EMAILS",
        "enableTaxInvoices": true,
        "generateInvoicesAutomatically": "ON_ORDER_PLACED",
        "taxInvoiceIdPrefix": "",
        "taxInvoiceIdSuffix": "",
        "taxInvoiceIdMinDigitsAmount": 2,
        "taxInvoiceIdNextNumber": 28

Access scopes

Requires the following access scope: read_store_profile

Additional scopes include read_store_limits granting access to store limits and read_store_profile_extended granting access to detailed store billing data.

Path params

storeIdnumberEcwid store ID.

Query params

All query params are optional.

showExtendedInfobooleanSet true to receive additional store profile data including account/billing data. Requires read_store_profile_extended access scope.
langstringLanguage ISO code for translations in JSON response, e.g. en, fr. Translates fields like: title, description, pickupInstruction, text, etc.
responseFieldsstringLimit JSON response by specific fields. If specified, all missing fields will be removed from the response body.
Example: ?responseFields=generalInfo(storeId,storeUrl)

Example of using responseFields param:

curl --location ',storeUrl)' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secret_ab***cd'
    "generalInfo": {
        "storeId": 1003,
        "storeUrl": ""


The Authorization header is required. Request works with any access token, though the public token receives limited data.

AuthorizationBearer secret_ab***cdAccess token of the application.


A JSON object with the following fields:

generalInfoObject generalInfoStore basic data
accountObject accountStore owner's account data
settingsObject settingsStore general settings
mailNotificationsObject mailNotificationsMail notifications settings
phoneNotificationsObject phoneNotificationsPhone notifications settings (for future usage).
companyObject companyCompany info
formatsAndUnitsObject formatsAndUnitsStore formats/untis settings
languagesObject languagesStore language settings
shippingObject shippingStore shipping settings
zonesArray taxSettingsList of store destination zones
taxesArray taxesList of store taxes.
taxSettingsObject taxSettingsDetailed settings for store taxes.
businessRegistrationIDObject businessRegistrationIDCompany registration ID, e.g. VAT reg number or company ID, which is set under Settings / Invoice in Control panel
paymentObject paymentStore payment settings information
featureTogglesArray featureTogglesInformation about enabled/disabled new store features and their visibility in Ecwid Control Panel. Not provided via public token. Some of them are available in Ecwid JS API
legalPagesSettingsObject legalPagesSettingsLegal pages settings for a store (System Settings → General → Legal Pages)
designSettingsObject designSettingsDesign settings of an Ecwid store. Can be overriden by updating store profile or by customizing design via JS config in storefront.
productFiltersSettingsObject productFiltersSettingsSettings for product filters in a store
fbMessengerSettingsObject fbMessengerSettingsStore settings for FB Messenger feature. Read only
mailchimpSettingsObject mailchimpSettingsStore settings for Mailchimp integration. Read only
orderInvoiceSettingsObject orderInvoiceSettingsStore settings for order invoices
socialLinksSettingsObject socialLinksSettingsStore settings for social media accounts
registrationAnswersObject registrationAnswersMerchants' answers provided while registering their Ecwid accounts
giftCardSettingsObject giftCardSettingsStore settings for gift cards
tipsSettingsObject tipsSettingsStore settings for tips
accountBillingObject accountBillingStore billing and plan info. Requires read_store_profile_extended access scope.


storeIdnumberEcwid Store ID
storeUrlstringStorefront URL
starterSiteObject starterSiteDetails of Ecwid Instant site for account. Learn more about Instant site
websitePlatformstringWebsite platform that store is added to. Possible values: "wix", "wordpress", "iframe", "joomla", "yola", etc. Default is "unknown".


accountNamestringFull store owner name
accountEmailstringStore owner email. Note: Not WL-friendly. If you want to send notifications/emails to customers, use adminNotificationEmailsfield instead.
whiteLabelbooleantrue if Ecwid brand is not mentioned in merchant's interface, false otherwise. Read only
suspendedbooleantrue if Ecwid account is suspended (prevents the storefront from showing any products or creating orders), false otherwise. Read only
availableFeaturesArray of stringsList of the features available on the store's pricing plan
registrationDatestringThe store registration date
limitsAndRestrictionsObject limitsAndRestrictionsStore limits and restrictions, e.g. maximum number of available products. Requires read_store_limits access scope.


maxProductLimitnumberMaximum number of individual products available in the store, e.g. 2500. This number doesn't include product options or variations. Requires read_store_profile_extended scope, read only.


closedbooleantrue if the store is closed for maintenance, false otherwise
storeNamestringThe store name displayed in Instant Site
storeDescriptionstringHTML description for the main store page – Store Front page
invoiceLogoUrlstringCompany logo displayed on the invoice
emailLogoUrlstringCompany logo displayed in the store email notifications
googleRemarketingEnabledbooleantrue if Remarketing with Google Analytics is enabled, false otherwise
googleAnalyticsIdstringGoogle Analytics ID connected to a store
fbPixelIdstringYour Facebook Pixel ID. This field is not returned if it is empty in the Ecwid Control Panel. Learn more
orderCommentsEnabledbooleantrue if order comments feature is enabled, false otherwise
orderCommentsCaptionstringCaption for order comments field in storefront
orderCommentsCaptionTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for the caption for order comments field.
orderCommentsRequiredbooleantrue if order comments are required to be filled, false otherwise
askZipCodebooleantrue if the zip code field is shown on the checkout ('Ask for a ZIP/postal code' in checkout settings is enabled), false otherwise
showPricePerUnitbooleantrue if the "Show price per unit" option is turned on, otherwise false
hideOutOfStockProductsInStorefrontbooleantrue if out of stock products are hidden in storefront, false otherwise. This setting is located in Ecwid Control Panel > Settings > General > Cart
askCompanyNamebooleantrue if "Ask for the company name" in checkout settings is enabled, false otherwise
favoritesEnabledbooleantrue if favorites feature is enabled for storefront, false otherwise
productReviewsFeatureEnabledbooleantrue if product reviews feature is enabled in the store, false otherwise.
defaultProductSortOrderstringDefault products sort order setting from Settings > Cart & Checkout. Possible values: "DEFINED_BY_STORE_OWNER", "ADDED_TIME_DESC", "PRICE_ASC", "PRICE_DESC", "NAME_ASC", "NAME_DESC"
abandonedSalesObject abandonedSalesAbandoned sales settings
salePriceObject salePriceSale (compare to) price settings
showAcceptMarketingCheckboxbooleantrue if merchant shows the checkbox to accept marketing. false otherwise
acceptMarketingCheckboxDefaultValuebooleanDefault value for the checkbox at checkout to accept marketing
acceptMarketingCheckboxCustomTextstringCustom text label for the checkbox to accept marketing at checkout
acceptMarketingCheckboxCustomTextTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for custom text label for the checkbox to accept marketing at checkout.
askConsentToTrackInStorefrontbooleantrue if merchant shows warning to accept cookies in storefront. false otherwise
snapPixelIdstringSnapchat pixel ID from your Snapchat business account
pinterestTagIdstringPinterest Tag Id from your Pinterest business account
googleTagIdstringGlobal site tag from your Google Ads account
googleEventIdstringEvent snippet from your Google Ads account
recurringSubscriptionsSettingsObject recurringSubscriptionsSettingsRecurring subscription settings information.
allowPreordersForOutOfStockProductsbooleantrue if pre-orders for out of stock products are allowed, false otherwise.
linkUpEnabledbooleantrue if LinkUp integration is enabled, false otherwise


adminNotificationEmailsArray of stringsEmail addresses, which the store admin notifications are sent to
customerNotificationFromEmailstringThe email address used as the 'reply-to' field in the notifications to customers
customerOrderMessagesObject customerOrderMessagesSettings for email notifications that are automatically sent to customers to confirm their orders and keep them informed about the order progress
adminMessagesObject adminMessagesSettings for email notifications that are automatically sent to the store owner and staff members
customerMarketingMessagesObject customerMarketingMessagesSettings for email notifications that are automatically sent to customers to engage them and increase store sales


orderConfirmationObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Order confirmation emails. Supported settings: enabled, marketingBlockEnabled, discountCouponId
orderStatusChangedObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Order status changed emails. Supported settings: enabled
orderIsReadyForPickupObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Order is ready for pickup emails. Supported settings: enabled
downloadEgoodsObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Download e-goods emails. Supported settings: enabled
orderShippedObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Order shipped emails. Supported settings: enabled


newOrderPlacedObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for New order placed emails. Supported settings: enabled
lowStockNotificationObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Low stock notification emails. Supported settings: enabled
weeklyStatsReportObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for weekly stats reports. Supported settings: enabled


abandonedCartRecoveryObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Order confirmation emails. Supported settings: enabled, marketingBlockEnabled, discountCouponId
favoriteProductsReminderObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Order status changed emails. Supported settings: enabled, discountCouponId
feedbackRequestObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Order is ready for pickup emails. Supported settings: enabled, discountCouponId
customerLoyaltyAppreciationObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Order confirmation emails. Supported settings: enabled, discountCouponId
inactiveCustomerReminderObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Order status changed emails. Supported settings: enabled, discountCouponId
purchaseAnniversaryObject MailNotificationsSettingsSettings for Order is ready for pickup emails. Supported settings: enabled, discountCouponId


enabledbooleanDefines if the email type is enabled.
marketingBlockEnabledbooleanDefines if the "related products" block is enabled in the order confirmation email. The same setting is available in Ecwid admin.
discountCouponIdnumberContains the discount coupon id if it's added to the email.


adminNotificationPhonesArray of stringsPhone numbers that are used for store admin notifications, supports up to 100 phone numbers (for future usage).


showRecurringSubscriptionsInControlPanelbooleantrue if recurring subscriptions feature is visible in admin panel, false otherwise.
supportedPaymentMethodsStatusesObject supportedPaymentMethodsStatusesSupported payment methods statuses information.


supportedPaymentMethodsAreAvailablebooleantrue if Stripe payment method can be set up in the store, false otherwise. Depends on a country. Read only.
supportedPaymentMethodsAreConnectedbooleantrue if Stripe payment method it set up in the store, false otherwise. Read only.


System Settings → General → Store Profile

companyNamestringThe company name displayed on the invoice
emailstringCompany (store administrator) email
streetstringCompany address. 1 or 2 lines separated by a new line character
citystringCompany city
countryCodestringA two-letter ISO code of the country
postalCodestringPostal code or ZIP code
stateOrProvinceCodestringState code (e.g. NY) or a region name.
phonestringCompany phone number


System settings → General → Formats & Units.

currencystring3-letters code of the store currency (ISO 4217). Examples: USD, CAD
currencyPrefixstringCurrency prefix (e.g. $)
currencySuffixstringCurrency suffix
currencyPrecisionnumberNumbers of digits after decimal point in the store prices. E.g. 2 ($2.99) or 0 (¥500).
currencyGroupSeparatorstringPrice thousands separator. Supported values: space " ", dot ".", comma "," or empty value "".
currencyDecimalSeparatorstringPrice decimal separator. Possible values: . or ,
currencyTruncateZeroFractionalbooleanHide zero fractional part of the prices in storefront. true or false .
currencyRatenumberCurrency rate in U.S. dollars, as set in the merchant control panel
weightUnitstringWeight unit. Supported values: CARAT, GRAM, OUNCE, POUND, KILOGRAM
weightPrecisionnumberNumbers of digits after decimal point in weights displayed in the store
weightGroupSeparatorstringWeight thousands separator. Supported values: space " ", dot ".", comma "," or empty value ""
weightDecimalSeparatorstringWeight decimal separator. Possible values: . or ,
weightTruncateZeroFractionalbooleanHide zero fractional part of the weight values in storefront. true or false .
dateFormatstringDate format. Only these formats are accepted: "dd-MM-yyyy", "dd/MM/yyyy", "dd.MM.yyyy", "MM-dd-yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "yyyy/MM/dd", "MMM d, yyyy", "MMMM d, yyyy", "EEE, MMM d, ''yy", "EEE, MMMM d, yyyy"
timeFormatstringTime format. Only these formats are accepted: "HH:mm:ss", "HH:mm", " a", "hh:mm a"
timezonestringStore timezone, e.g. Europe/Moscow
dimensionsUnitstringProduct dimensions units. Supported values: MM, CM, IN, YD
orderNumberPrefixstringOrder number prefix in a store
orderNumberSuffixstringOrder number suffix in a store
orderNumberMinDigitsAmountnumberMinimum digits amount of an order number (can be 0-19 digits).
orderNumberNextNumbernumberNext order number in a store (should be more than 0).
addressFormatObject addressFormatAddress format: plain and multiline formats. Displays the way address is written according to the requirements of the country set up in the profile settings. Supports the following variables: %NAME%, %COMPANY_NAME%, %STREET%, %CITY%, %STATE_NAME% %POSTAL%, %COUNTRY_NAME%.


plainstringSingle line address format, with a delimiter.
multilinestringMultiline address format.


System Settings → General → Languages

enabledLanguagesArray of stringsA list of enabled languages in the storefront. First language code is the default language for the store.
facebookPreferredLocalestringLanguage automatically chosen be default in Facebook storefront (if any)
defaultLanguagestringISO code of the default language in store


System Settings → Shipping

handlingFeeObject handlingFeeHandling fee settings
shippingOriginObject shippingOriginShipping origin address. If matches company address, company address is returned. Available in read-only mode only
shippingOptionsArray shippingOptionsDetails of each shipping option present in a store. For public tokens enabled methods are returned only. Available in read-only mode only


System Settings → Shipping → Handling Fee

namestringHandling fee name set by store admin. E.g. Wrapping
valuenumberHandling fee value
descriptionstringHandling fee description for customer


Settings → Shipping & Pickup → Origin address

companyNamestringThe company name displayed on the invoice
emailstringCompany (store administrator) email
streetstringCompany address. 1 or 2 lines separated by a new line character
citystringCompany city
countryCodestringA two-letter ISO code of the country
postalCodestringPostal code or ZIP code
stateOrProvinceCodestringState code (e.g. NY) or a region name
phonestringCompany phone number


idstringUnique ID of shipping option
titlestringTitle of shipping option in store settings
titleTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for shipping option title.
enabledbooleantrue if shipping option is used at checkout to calculate shipping. false otherwise
orderbynumberSort position or shipping option at checkout and in store settings. The smaller the number, the higher the position
fulfilmentTypestringFulfillment type. "pickup" for in-store pickup methods, "delivery" for local delivery methods, "shipping" for everything else
locationIdnumberID of the pickup location for Lightspeed X-Series integration
minimumOrderSubtotalnumberOrder subtotal before discounts. The delivery method won’t be available at checkout for orders below that amount. The field is displayed if the value is not 0
destinationZoneArray zonesDestination zone set for shipping option. Empty for public token
deliveryTimeDaysstringEstimated delivery time in days. Currently, it is equal to the description value.
descriptionstringShipping method description.
descriptionTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for shipping option description.
carrierstringCarrier used for shipping the order. Is provided for carrier-calculated shipping options
carrierMethodsArray carrierMethodsCarrier-calculated shipping methods available for this shipping option
carrierSettingsObject carrierSettingsCarrier-calculated shipping option settings
ratesCalculationTypestringRates calculation type. One of "carrier-calculated", "table", "flat", "app"
shippingCostMarkupnumberShipping cost markup for carrier-calculated methods
flatRateObject flatRateFlat rate details
ratesTableObject ratesTableCustom table rates details
appClientIdstringclient_id value of the app (for custom shipping apps only)
pickupInstructionstringString of HTML code of instructions on in-store pickup
pickupInstructionTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for pickup instruction.
scheduledPickupbooleantrue if pickup time is scheduled, false otehrwise. (Ask for Pickup Date and Time at Checkout option in pickup settings)
pickupPreparationTimeHoursnumberAmount of time required for store to prepare pickup (Order Fulfillment Time setting) DEPRECATED
fulfillmentTimeInMinutesnumberAmount of time (in minutes) required for store to prepare pickup or to deliver an order (Order Fulfillment Time setting)
businessHoursObject businessHoursAvailable and scheduled times to pickup orders
pickupBusinessHoursObject businessHours[Deprecated] Available and scheduled times to pickup orders (duplicates businessHours field)
businessHoursLimitationTypestringOne of: ALLOW_ORDERS_AND_INFORM_CUSTOMERS - makes it possible to place an order using this delivery method at any time, but if delivery doesn't work at the moment when the order is being placed, a warning will be shown to a customer. DISALLOW_ORDERS_AND_INFORM_CUSTOMERS - makes it possible to place an order using this delivery method only during the operational hours. If delivery doesn't work when an order is placed, this delivery method will be shown at the checkout as a disabled one and will contain a note about when delivery will start working again. ALLOW_ORDERS_AND_DONT_INFORM_CUSTOMERS - makes it possible to place an order using this delivery method at any time. Works only for delivery methods with a schedule.
scheduledbooleantrue if "Allow to select delivery date or time at checkout" or "Ask for Pickup Date and Time at Checkout" setting is enabled. false otherwise.
scheduledTimePrecisionTypestringFormat of how delivery date is chosen at the checkout - date or date and time. One of: DATE, DATE_AND_TIME_SLOT.
timeSlotLengthInMinutesnumberLength of the delivery time slot in minutes.
allowSameDayDeliverybooleantrue if same-day delivery is allowed. false otherwise.
cutoffTimeForSameDayDeliverystringOrders placed after this time (in a 24-hour format) will be scheduled for delivery the next business day.
availabilityPeriodstringThe merchant can specify the maximum possible delivery date for local delivery and pickup shipping options ("Allow choosing pickup date within"). Values: THREE_DAYS, SEVEN_DAYS, ONE_MONTH, THREE_MONTHS, SIX_MONTHS, ONE_YEAR, UNLIMITED.
blackoutDatesObject blackoutDatesDates when the store doesn’t work, so customers can't choose these dates for local delivery. Each period of dates is a JSON object.


idstringCarrier ID and specific method name
namestringCarrier method name
enabledbooleantrue if enabled, false otherwise
orderBynumberPosition of that carrier method


defaultCarrierAccountEnabledbooleantrue if default Ecwid account is enabled to calculate the rates. false otherwise
defaultPostageDimensionsObject defaultPostageDimensionsDefault postage dimensions for this shipping option


lengthnumberLength of postage
widthnumberWidth of postage
heightnumberHeight of postage


rateTypestringOne of "ABSOLUTE", "PERCENT"
ratenumberShipping rate


tableBasedOnstringWhat is this table rate based on. Possible values: "subtotal", "discountedSubtotal", "weight"
ratesObject ratesDetails of table rate


conditionsObject conditionsConditions for this shipping rate in custom table
rateObject rateTable rate details


weightFromnumber"Weight from" condition value
weightTonumber"Weight to" condition value
subtotalFromnumber"Subtotal from" condition value
subtotalTonumber"Subtotal to" condition value
discountedSubtotalFromnumber"Discounted subtotal from" condition value
discountedSubtotalTonumber"Discounted subtotal from" condition value


perOrdernumberAbsolute per order rate
percentnumberPercent per order rate
perItemnumberAbsolute per item rate
perWeightnumberAbsolute per weight rate


MONArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
TUEArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
WEDArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
THUArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
FRIArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
SATArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
SUNArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']


System Settings → Taxes

automaticTaxEnabledbooleantrue if store taxes are calculated automatically, else otherwise. As seen in the Ecwid Control Panel > Settings > Taxes > Automatic
taxesArray taxesManual tax settings for a store
pricesIncludeTaxbooleantrue if store has "gross prices" setting enabled. false if store has "net prices" setting enabled.
taxExemptBusinessbooleanDefines if your business is tax-exempt under § 19 UStG. When true, it will display the “Tax exemption § 19 UStG” message to customers to explain the zero VAT rate.
ukVatRegisteredbooleanIf true and order is sent from EU to UK - charges VAT for orders less than GBP 135.
euIossEnabledbooleanIf true and order is sent to EU - charges VAT for orders less than EUR 150. For Import One-Stop Shop (IOSS).


idnumberUnique internal ID of the tax
namestringDisplayed tax name
enabledbooleanWhether tax is enabled true / false
includeInPricebooleantrue if the tax rate is included in product prices. More details: Taxes in Ecwid
useShippingAddressbooleantrue if the tax is calculated based on shipping address, false if billing address is used
taxShippingbooleantrue is the tax applies to subtotal+shipping cost . false if the tax is applied to subtotal only
appliedByDefaultbooleantrue if the tax is applied to all products. false is the tax is only applied to thos product that have this tax enabled
defaultTaxnumberTax value, in %, when none of the destination zones match
rulesArray rulesTax rates


zoneIdstringDestination zone ID
taxnumberTax rate for this zone in %


System Settings → Zones

namestringZone displayed name.
countryCodesArray of stringsCountry codes this zone includes .
stateOrProvinceCodesArray of stringsState or province codes the zone includes.
postCodesArray of stringsPostcode (or zip code) templates this zone includes. More details: Destination zones in Ecwid.
geoPolygonsObject geoPolygonsDot coordinates of the polygon (if destination zone is created using Zone on Map).


<COORDINATES>Array of arraysEach array contains coordinates of a single dot of the polygon. (E.g. [ [37.036539581171105, -95.66864041664617], [37.07548018723009, -95.6404782452158], ...]).


namestringID name, e.g. Vat ID, P.IVA, ABN
valuestringID value


System Settings → General → Instant site

ecwidSubdomainstringStore subdomain on domain, e.g. mysuperstore in
customDomainstringCustom Instant site domain, e.g.
generatedUrlstringInstant Site generated URL, e.g.
storeLogoUrlstringInstant Site logo URL


System Settings → General → Legal Pages

requireTermsAgreementAtCheckoutbooleantrue if customers must agree to store's terms of service at checkout
legalPagesArray legalPagesInformation about the legal pages set up in a store


enabledbooleantrue if legal page is shown at checkout process, false otherwise
titlestringLegal page title
titleTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for legal page title.
displaystringLegal page display mode – in a popup or on external URL. One of: "INLINE", "EXTERNAL_URL"
displayTranslatedObject translationsLegal translated page display mode – in a popup or on external URL. One of: "INLINE", "EXTERNAL_URL"
textstringHTML contents of a legal page
textTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for legal page text.
externalUrlstringURL to external location of a legal page
externalUrlTranslatedObject translationsURL to external location of a translated legal page


paymentOptionsArray paymentOptionsDetails about all payment methods set up in that store
applePayObject applePayDetails about Apple Pay setup in that store
applePayOptionsObject applePayDetails about payment processors accepting Apple Pay


idstringPayment method ID in a store
enabledbooleantrue if payment method is enabled and shown in storefront, false otherwise
configuredbooleanContains the payment method setup status. Read-only for in-built payment methods (where "appClientId": ""). Can be set for payment applications and will affect the payment method list in a store dashboard, see
checkoutTitlestringPayment method title at checkout
checkoutTitleTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for payment option title.
checkoutDescriptionstringPayment method description at checkout (subtitle)
paymentProcessorIdstringPayment processor ID in Ecwid
paymentProcessorTitlestringPayment processor title. The same as paymentModule in order details in REST API
orderBynumberPayment method position at checkout and in Ecwid Control Panel. The smaller the number, the higher the position is
appClientIdstringclient_id value of payment application. "" if not an application
paymentSurchargesArray paymentSurchargesPayment method fee added to the order as a set amount or as a percentage of the order total
instructionsForCustomerObject instructionsForCustomerCustomer instructions details
shippingSettingsObject shippingSettingsShipping settings of the payment option


typestringSupported values: ABSOLUTE, PERCENT
valuenumberSurcharge value


enabledbooleantrue if Apple Pay is enabled and shown in storefront, false otherwise
availablebooleantrue if Stripe payment method is set up, false otherwise
gatewaystringAlways "stripe"
"payment": {
        "paymentOptions": [
        "applePay": {
            "enabled": false,
            "available": true,
            "gateway": "stripe",
            "verificationFileUrl": ""
"payment": {
        "paymentOptions": [
        "applePay": {
            "enabled": false,
            "available": false


instructionsTitlestringPayment instructions title
instructionsstringPayment instructions content. Can contain HTML tags
instructionsTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for instructions.


enabledShippingMethodsArray of stringsContains IDs of shipping methods, if payment method is available for certain shipping methods only ("Payment Per Shipping" feature)


namestringFeature name
visiblebooleantrue if feature is shown to merchant in Ecwid Control Panel > Settings > What's new. false otherwise
enabledbooleantrue if feature is enabled and active in store


DESIGN_CONFIG_FIELD_NAMEstring or booleanStore design settings as seen in storefront design customization. If a specific config field is not provided, it will not be changed


enabledInStorefrontbooleantrue if product filters are enabled in storefront. false otherwise.
filterSectionsArray filterSectionsSpecific product filters


namebooleanName of the product field. Works only with OPTION and ATTRIBUTE filter types and is required for them
typebooleanType of specific product filter. Possible values: PRICE, IN_STOCK, ON_SALE, CATEGORIES, SEARCH, OPTION, ATTRIBUTE
enabledbooleantrue if specific product filter is enabled. false otherwise


autoAbandonedSalesRecoverybooleantrue if abandoned sale recovery emails are sent automatically, false otherwise


displayOnProductListbooleantrue if sale price is displayed on product list and product details page. false if sale price is displayed on product details page only
oldPriceLabelstringText label for sale price name
oldPriceLabelTranslatedObject translationsTranslations for sale price text labels
displayDiscountstringShow discount in three modes: "NONE", "ABS" and "PERCENT


enabledbooleantrue if enabled, false otherwise
fbMessengerPageIdstringPage ID of the connected page on Facebook
fbMessengerThemeColorstringChat color theme for FB Messenger
fbMessengerMessageUsButtonColorstringColor for the FB Messenger button in storefront


scriptstringJS script for the Mailchimp integration, e.g. "<script id="mcjs">!function...</script>"


facebookObject facebookSettings for the Facebook page
instagramObject instagramSettings for the Instagram page
twitterObject twitterSettings for the Twitter page
youtubeObject youtubeSettings for the Youtube page
vkObject vkSettings for the VK page
pinterestObject pinterestSettings for the Pinterest page


urlstringURL for the social media page


displayOrderInvoicesbooleanIf false, Ecwid will disable printing and viewing order invoices for customer and store admin. If true, order invoices will be available to view and print.
attachInvoiceToOrderEmailNotificationsstringPossible values: "ATTACH_TO_ALL_EMAILS", "DO_NOT_ATTACH".
invoiceLogoUrlstringURL to the logo image visible in order receipts/invoices customers receive after placing orders in the store. Use Upload store logo image endpoint with invoicelogo path param to change the logo image.


ISO_LANG_CODEstringTranslations for each available language. If no other translations are provided, the default language translations is returned. See available languages in store language settings


alreadySellingstringAnswer to the question "Do you already have experience selling online?", supported values: getting_started, offline_only, online_different, looking_around
goodsstringAnswer to the question "What type of products will you be selling?", supported values: apparel, art, auto, books, electronics, food_restaurant, food_ecommerce, gifts, hardware, health, home, jewelry, office, pet, services, sports, toys, tobacco, adult, notsure, other
otherGoodsstringApplicable if the field goods has value other. Merchant's text answer to the question "Your goods?"
forSomeonestringAnswer to the question "Are you setting up a store for someone else?", supported values: yes or no
websitestringAnswer to the question "Do you already have a website?", supported values: yes or no
platformstringApplicable if the previous answer is yes. Answer to the question "What website platform do you use?", supported values: joomla, rapid_weaver, wordpress, wix, weebly, blogspot, drupal, custom_site, not_sure, other
customPlatformstringApplicable if the field platform has value other. Merchant's text answer to the question "Your platform?"


productsArray productsBasic information of gift card products in a store
displayLocationstringDisplay location for gift cards on storefront: "CATALOG_AND_FOOTER" and "CATALOG". Read only field


idnumberProduct ID
namestringGift card product name
urlstringGift card product URL in a store


enabledbooleantrue if enabled, false otherwise
typestringSupported values: 'ABSOLUTE', 'PERCENT'
optionsArray of numbersThree number values, e.g. '[0, 5, 10]'. Each value defines tip amount.
defaultOptionnumberDefault tip amount. It must match with any value from the 'options' array.
titlestringTip title
subTitlestringTip subtitle
titleTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for tip title
subtitleTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for tip subtitle


channelidstringStore channel id info
pricingPlanIdstringStore plan id
pricingPlanNamestringStore plan name
pricingPlanPeriodstringStore plan billing period
nextRecurringChargeDatestringNext charge date
nextRecurringChargeAmountstringNext charge amount
nextRecurringChargeCurrencystringCharge currency
nextRecurringChargeAmountFormattedstringNext charge in the amount and currency format
inGracePeriodbooleantrue if store is on the 'grace' period, false otherwise
willDowngradeAtstringDate when the 'grace' period will expire in UTC. null if an account is not on the 'grace' period
internalBillingbooleanStore billing. true if the store is on the internal billing, false otherwise
paymentMethodstringStore billing payment method
billingPageVisibleInCPbooleanStore’s ‘Billing and Plans’ page in the Control Panel. true if the page is visible in the Control Panel, false otherwise
itunesSubscriptionAvailableOnChannelbooleanStore’s interface for iTunes subscription. true if the interface is available, false otherwise


fromDatestringStarting date of the period, e.g. 2022-04-28.
toDatestringThe end date of the period, e.g. 2022-04-30.
repeatedAnnuallybooleanSpecifies whether the period repeats in the following years or not.
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