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Requires the following access scope: read_reviews


A JSON object with the following fields:

idnumberReview ID.
statusnumberReview status. One of:
moderated - review is sent by a customer but not yet published.
published - review is published.
ratingnumberProduct rating selected by a customer from 1 to 5.
customerIdnumberID of a customer associated with the review.
productIdnumberID of the reviewed product.
orderIdnumberID of the order associated with the review.
reviewstringText of the review.
reviewerInfoobject{reviewerInfo}Details about the customer who placed the review.
createDatestringDate when the customer submitted the review in date format, e.g. "2021-05-26 13:37:46 +0000".
updateDatestringDate of the latest review update in date format, e.g. "2021-05-27 10:00:00 +0000".
createTimestampnumberDate when the customer submitted the review in UNIX, e.g. 1622036266926.
updateTimestampnumberDate of the latest review update in UNIX, e.g. 1622758299634.


namestringName of the customer associated with the review.
emailstringEmail of the customer associated with the review.
countrystringCountry specified by the customer in an order associated with the review.
citystringCity specified by the customer in an order associated with the review.
ordersnumberAmount of orders placed by the customer associated with the review.
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