Access scopes
Requires the following access scope: read_reviews
Path params
Param | Type | Description |
storeId | number | Ecwid store ID. |
Query params
All query params are optional.
Field | Type | Description |
status | string | Search by review status. Available values: moderated , published . |
rating | number | Search by 5-start rating (from 1 to 5 ). |
orderId | string | Search by ID of the order associated with the review. |
productId | number | Search by ID of the product associated with the review. |
reviewId | number | Search by review ID. |
createdFrom | string | Review creation date/time (lower bound). Supported formats: UNIX timestamp, date/time. Examples: 1447804800 , 2023-01-15 19:27:50 |
createdTo | string | Review creation date/time (upper bound). Supported formats: UNIX timestamp, date/time. Examples: 1447804800 , 2023-01-15 19:27:50 |
updatedFrom | string | Review update date/time (lower bound). Supported formats: UNIX timestamp, date/time. Examples: 1447804800 , 2023-01-15 19:27:50 |
updatedTo | string | Review update date/time (upper bound). Supported formats: UNIX timestamp, date/time. Examples: 1447804800 , 2023-01-15 19:27:50 |
sortBy | string | Define review sorting in the response. Available values: DATE_CREATED_ASC , DATE_CREATED_DESC , RATING_ASC , RATING_DESC . |
keyword | string | Search by review text from the review field. |
responseFields | string | Limit JSON response by specific fields. If specified, all missing fields will be removed from the response body. Example: ?responseFields=items(id,status,rating) |
Example of using responseFields
curl --location ',status,rating)' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secret_ab***cd'
"generalInfo": {
"storeId": 1003,
"storeUrl": ""
The Authorization header with a secret access token is required.
Header | Format | Description |
Authorization | Bearer secret_ab***cd | Access token of the application. |
A JSON object with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
total | number | The total number of found items (might be more than the number of returned items). |
count | number | The total number of the items returned in this request. |
offset | number | Offset from the beginning of the returned items list (for paging). |
limit | number | Maximum possible number of returned items in this request. |
items | Array items | List of found product reviews with full details. |
Field | Type | Description |
id | number | Review ID. |
status | number | Review status. One of:moderated - review is sent by a customer but not yet published.published - review is published. |
rating | number | Product rating selected by a customer from 1 to 5 . |
customerId | number | ID of a customer associated with the review. |
productId | number | ID of the reviewed product. |
orderId | number | ID of the order associated with the review. |
review | string | Text of the review. |
reviewerInfo | object{reviewerInfo} | Details about the customer who placed the review. |
createDate | string | Date when the customer submitted the review in date format, e.g. "2021-05-26 13:37:46 +0000" . |
updateDate | string | Date of the latest review update in date format, e.g. "2021-05-27 10:00:00 +0000" . |
createTimestamp | number | Date when the customer submitted the review in UNIX, e.g. 1622036266926 . |
updateTimestamp | number | Date of the latest review update in UNIX, e.g. 1622758299634 . |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the customer associated with the review. |
string | Email of the customer associated with the review. | |
country | string | Country specified by the customer in an order associated with the review. |
city | string | City specified by the customer in an order associated with the review. |
orders | number | Amount of orders placed by the customer associated with the review. |