Search discount coupons

Search or filter discount coupons in an Ecwid store. Filters include: discount coupon code, type, availability.

Request and response example


curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secret_ab***cd'


    "total": 2,
    "count": 2,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "items": [
            "id": 162428889,
            "name": "Summer Promo",
            "code": "DISC",
            "discountType": "ABS",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "discount": 10,
            "launchDate": "2022-07-28 23:00:00 +0000",
            "usesLimit": "UNLIMITED",
            "repeatCustomerOnly": false,
            "applicationLimit": "UNLIMITED",
            "creationDate": "2022-07-29 15:22:35 +0000",
            "updateDate": "2024-05-01 05:26:28 +0000",
            "orderCount": 1
            "id": 224219782,
            "name": "Test Coupon",
            "code": "DISC2",
            "discountType": "PERCENT",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "discount": 10,
            "launchDate": "2024-09-01 23:00:00 +0000",
            "usesLimit": "UNLIMITED",
            "repeatCustomerOnly": false,
            "applicationLimit": "UNLIMITED",
            "creationDate": "2024-09-02 07:55:21 +0000",
            "updateDate": "2024-09-02 08:33:26 +0000",
            "orderCount": 3

Access scopes

Requires the following access scope: read_discount_coupons

Path params

storeIdnumberEcwid store ID.

Query params

All query params are optional.

offsetnumberOffset from the beginning of the returned items list (for paging).
limitnumberMaximum number of returned items in one batch. Default value: 100. Maximum allowed value: 100.
codestringSearch term for the discount coupon code.
discount_typestringSearch term for the discount coupon type. Supported values: ABS, PERCENT, SHIPPING, ABS_AND_SHIPPING, PERCENT_AND_SHIPPING.
availabilitystringSearch term for the current state of the discount coupon. Supported values: ACTIVE, PAUSED, EXPIRED, USEDUP.
createdFromstringCoupon creation date/time (lower bound). Supported formats: UNIX timestamp, date/time. Examples: 1447804800, 2023-01-15 19:27:50.
createdTostringCoupon creation date/time (upper bound). Supported formats: UNIX timestamp, date/time. Examples: 1447804800, 2023-01-15 19:27:50.
updatedFromstringCoupon last update date/time (lower bound). Supported formats: UNIX timestamp, date/time. Examples: 1447804800, 2023-01-15 19:27:50.
updatedTostringCoupon last update date/time (upper bound). Supported formats: UNIX timestamp, date/time. Examples: 1447804800, 2023-01-15 19:27:50.
responseFieldsstringLimit JSON response by specific fields. If specified, all missing fields will be removed from the response body.
Example: ?responseFields=items(id,name,status)

Example of using responseFields param:

curl --location ',name,status)' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secret_ab***cd'
    "items": [
            "id": 162428889,
            "name": "Summer Promo",
            "status": "ACTIVE"
            "id": 224219782,
            "name": "Test Coupon",
            "status": "ACTIVE"


The Authorization header with a secret access token is required.

AuthorizationBearer secret_ab***cdAccess token of the application.


A JSON object with the following fields:

totalnumberThe total number of found items (might be more than the number of returned items)
countnumberThe number of returned items
offsetnumberOffset from the beginning of the returned items list (for paging)
limitnumberMaximum number of returned items. Maximum allowed value: 100. Default value: 100
itemsArray itemsDetailed information about found discount coupons.


idnumberInternal unique coupon ID.
namestringDiscount coupon name visible on the storefront.
codestringDiscount coupon code used for its activation at the checkout.
statusstringDiscount coupon state: ACTIVE, PAUSED, EXPIRED or USEDUP
discountnumberDiscount coupon value.
launchDatestringThe date of coupon launch, e.g. 2014-06-06 08:00:00 +0400. Any date provided will be corrected to the UTC timezone
expirationDatestringCoupon expiration date, e.g. 2014-06-06 08:00:00 +0400. Any date provided will be corrected to the UTC timezone
totalLimitnumberMinimum order subtotal for the discount coupon to be applied.
usesLimitstringNumber of uses limitation: UNLIMITED, ONCEPERCUSTOMER, SINGLE
repeatCustomerOnlybooleanDEPRECATED Use applicationLimit instead.
applicationLimitstringUser application limit for the discount coupon. Supported values: "UNLIMITED" - no user application limits.
"NEW_CUSTOMER_ONLY" - discount coupon can be applied only by customers without placed orders.
"REPEAT_CUSTOMER_ONLY" - discount coupon can be applied only by customers who placed orders in the store before.
creationDatestringCoupon creation date. Format example: 2023-06-29 11:36:55 +0000
updateDatestringCoupon update date. Format example: 2023-06-29 11:36:55 +0000
orderCountnumberCounter for the discount coupon uses.
catalogLimitObject catalogLimitProduct and category limitations for the discount coupon. If empty, discount coupon can be applied to all products and categories available on the storefront.
shippingLimitObject shippingLimitShipping method limitations for the discount coupon. If empty, discount coupon can be applied to any shipping method available at the checkout.


productsArray of numbersList of product IDs the discount coupon can be applied to, e.g. [123456,234567]
categoriesArray of numbersList of category IDs the discount coupon can be applied to, e.g. [0,87253552,765257901]


shippingMethodsArray of stringsList of shipping method IDs the discount coupon can be applied to, e.g. ["18765-8651899366181"]
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!