Create batch request

Batch request limits

The maximum number of REST API requests in one batch request is 500.

With allowParallelMode set to true Ecwid can process up to 100 requests at the same time. The maximum number of requests in batch ramains the same.

Access scopes

Requires access scopes for all requests included in the batch.

Uploading product files or images

You can use Batch requests to upload files or images for products with the externalUrl parameter. Sending binary data in the request body is not supported.

Request body

An array of JSON objects with the following fields:

idstringSet an optional request ID so you can find a specific request easier in the response
pathstringPath to Ecwid REST API endpoint.{STORE_ID}/ part of the request URL will be added automatically.
Example: /orders?offset=100&paymentStatus=PAID,AWAITING_PAYMENT
methodstringHTTP method you would like to use. Available methods: "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"
bodystringOptional request body for your requests. Required for "PUT" and "POST" requests.
Example: update order status request.


A JSON object with the following fields:

ticketstringTicket ID for your batch request. Use it to Get batch request status
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!