Buy domain

Use this endpoint to send a domain purchase request.

Access scopes

Requires the following access scope: buy_domains


A JSON object with the following fields:

domainNamestringdomain name for purchase
firstNamestringFirst name of domain owner
lastNamestringLast name of domain owner
emailstringEmail address of domain owner
streetstringStreet address
citystringCity address
countryCodestringA two-letter ISO code of country where domain owner lives
postalCodestringPostal code or ZIP code
stateOrProvinceCodestringState code (e.g. NY) or a region name. See valid codes here:
phonestringPhone number of domain owner
companyNamestringThe company name used in domain purchase


If the purchase was successful and a new domain has pending or 'active' status, then you'll receive a JSON array with the following fields (similar to Get domains]):

idnumberInternal ID of purchased domain
namestringPurchased domain name, e.g. ""
statusstringStatus of purchased domain
connectedToInstantSitebooleanShows if this domain is connected to Instant Site. Available values: true, false
primaryDomainbooleanShows if this domain is the main one. Available values: true, false
redirectToPrimaryDomainbooleanShows if this domain redirects to the main one. Displays only if the "primaryDomain": false. Available values: true, false
purchaseDatestringDate of domain purchase
expirationDatestringDate of domain expiration
renewalDatestringDate of next charge for domain renewal
autorenewbooleanShows if automatic renewal charge is enabled. Available values: true, false
domainOwnerInfo< DomainOwnerInfo>Domain owner details specified in purchase process
billingInfo<DomainBillingInfo>Domain billing information


verificationStatusstring"verified" if the verification is complete
firstNamestringFirst name of domain owner
lastNamestringLast name of domain owner
emailstringEmail address of domain owner
streetstringStreet address
citystringCity address
countryCodestringA two-letter ISO code of country where domain owner lives
postalCodestringPostal code or ZIP code
stateOrProvinceCodestringState code (e.g. NY) or a region name. See valid codes here:
phonestringPhone number of domain owner
companyNamestringThe company name used in domain purchase


totalRenewalDomainPricenumberTotal price for domain renewal
renewalDomainPricenumberPrice of domain
renewalTaxnumberTax for domain price
whoisPrivacyFeaturePricenumberPrice for the "whois Privacy" feature
currencystringCurrency for domain renewal, e.g. "USD"
totalRenewalDomainPriceFormattedstringFormatted total price for domain renewal, e.g. "$99.00"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!