Get shipping options

Get information about store shipping options: settings, availability, titles, etc. The same content is provided in Get store profile -> Shipping -> ShippingOptions


AuthorizationstringoAuth token with mandatory Bearer before it. Example: Bearer e***s0, where e***s0 should be replaced with your oAuth token.


A JSON array with elements of type 'ShippingOption' with the following fields:

Query parameters

langstringISO code of the language you expect to receive JSON data in (e.g. en, fr). Is used for the fields that have translations: title, description, pickupInstruction.


idstringUnique ID of shipping option
titlestringTitle of shipping option in store settings
titleTranslated<Translations>Available translations for shipping option title.
enabledbooleantrue if shipping option is used at checkout to calculate shipping. false otherwise
orderbynumberSort position or shipping option at checkout and in store settings. The smaller the number, the higher the position
fulfilmentTypestringFulfillment type. "pickup" for in-store pickup methods, "delivery" for local delivery methods, "shipping" for everything else
minimumOrderSubtotalnumberOrder subtotal before discounts. The delivery method won’t be available at checkout for orders below that amount. The field is displayed if the value is not 0
destinationZone<Zone>Destination zone set for shipping option. Empty for public token
deliveryTimeDaysstringEstimated delivery time in days. Currently, it is equal to the description value.
descriptionstringShipping method description. Is also shown in the fields deliveryTimeDays (for GET shipping options requests) and estimatedTransitTime (for GET orders requests).
descriptionTranslated<Translations>Available translations for shipping option description.
carrierstringCarrier used for shipping the order. Is provided for carrier-calculated shipping options
carrierMethodsArray <CarrierMethod>Carrier-calculated shipping methods available for this shipping option
carrierSettings<CarrierSettings>Carrier-calculated shipping option settings
ratesCalculationTypestringRates calculation type. One of "carrier-calculated", "table", "flat", "app"
shippingCostMarkupnumberShipping cost markup for carrier-calculated methods
flatRate<FlatRate>Flat rate details
ratesTable<TableRatesDetails>Custom table rates details
appClientIdstringclient_id value of the app (for custom shipping apps only)
pickupInstructionstringString of HTML code of instructions on in-store pickup
pickupInstructionTranslated<Translations>Available translations for pickup instruction.
scheduledPickupbooleantrue if pickup time is scheduled, false otehrwise. (Ask for Pickup Date and Time at Checkout option in pickup settings)
pickupPreparationTimeHoursnumber[Deprecated] Amount of time required for store to prepare pickup (Order Fulfillment Time setting)
fulfillmentTimeInMinutesnumberAmount of time (in minutes) required for store to prepare pickup or to deliver an order (Order Fulfillment Time setting)
businessHoursstring <BusinessHours>Available and scheduled times to pickup orders
pickupBusinessHoursstring <BusinessHours>[Deprecated] Available and scheduled times to pickup orders (duplicates 'businessHours' field)
businessHoursLimitationTypestringOne of: ALLOW_ORDERS_AND_INFORM_CUSTOMERS - makes it possible to place an order using this delivery method at any time, but if delivery doesn't work at the moment when the order is being placed, a warning will be shown to a customer. DISALLOW_ORDERS_AND_INFORM_CUSTOMERS - makes it possible to place an order using this delivery method only during the operational hours. If delivery doesn't work when an order is placed, this delivery method will be shown at the checkout as a disabled one and will contain a note about when delivery will start working again. ALLOW_ORDERS_AND_DONT_INFORM_CUSTOMERS - makes it possible to place an order using this delivery method at any time. Works only for delivery methods with a schedule.
scheduledbooleantrue if "Allow to select delivery date or time at checkout" or "Ask for Pickup Date and Time at Checkout" setting is enabled. false otherwise.
scheduledTimePrecisionTypestringFormat of how delivery date is chosen at the checkout - date or date and time. One of: DATE, DATE_AND_TIME_SLOT.
timeSlotLengthInMinutesnumberLength of the delivery time slot in minutes.
allowSameDayDeliverybooleantrue if same-day delivery is allowed. false otherwise.
cutoffTimeForSameDayDeliverystringOrders placed after this time (in a 24-hour format) will be scheduled for delivery the next business day.
availabilityPeriodstringThe merchant can specify the maximum possible delivery date for local delivery and pickup shipping options ("Allow choosing pickup date within"). Values: THREE_DAYS, SEVEN_DAYS, ONE_MONTH, THREE_MONTHS, SIX_MONTHS, ONE_YEAR, UNLIMITED..
blackoutDatesarray <BlackoutDates>Dates when the store doesn’t work, so customers can't choose these dates for local delivery. Each period of dates is a JSON object.
estimatedShippingTimeAtCheckoutSettings<estimatedShippingTimeAtCheckoutSettings>Information about estimated shipping time shown at checkout. Same settings can be found in Control Panel, on the shipping method settings page ("Show estimated delivery date at checkout" section).


System Settings → Zones

namestringZone displayed name.
countryCodesArray<string>Country codes this zone includes .
stateOrProvinceCodesArray<string>State or province codes the zone includes. Format: [country code]-[state code] Example: shipping zone for Alabama, Arizona, Alaska in United states looks like: ["US-AL","US-AK","US-AZ"]. Please refer to Dictionaries to get right country and state codes
postCodesArray<string>Postcode (or zip code) templates this zone includes. More details: Destination zones in Ecwid.
geoPolygonsArray <GeoPolygons>Dot coordinates of the polygon (if destination zone is created using Zone on Map).


<COORDINATES>Array of arraysEach array contains coordinates of a single dot of the polygon. (E.g. [ [37.0365395, -95.66864041664617], [37.0754801, -95.6404782452158], ...]).


idstringCarrier ID and specific method name
namestringCarrier method name
enabledbooleantrue if enabled, false otherwise
orderBynumberPosition of that carrier method


defaultCarrierAccountEnabledbooleantrue if default Ecwid account is enabled to calculate the rates. false otherwise
defaultPostageDimensions<DefaultPostageDimensions>Default postage dimensions for this shipping option


lengthnumberLength of postage
widthnumberWidth of postage
heightnumberHeight of postage


rateTypestringOne of "ABSOLUTE", "PERCENT"
ratenumberShipping rate


tableBasedOnstringWhat is this table rate based on. Possible values: "subtotal", "discountedSubtotal", "weight"
ratesArray <TableRate>Details of table rate


conditions<TableRateConditions>Conditions for this shipping rate in custom table
rate<TableRateDetails>Table rate details


weightFromnumber"Weight from" condition value
weightTonumber"Weight to" condition value
subtotalFromnumber"Subtotal from" condition value
subtotalTonumber"Subtotal to" condition value
discountedSubtotalFromnumber"Discounted subtotal from" condition value
discountedSubtotalTonumber"Discounted subtotal from" condition value


perOrdernumberAbsolute per order rate
percentnumberPercent per order rate
perItemnumberAbsolute per item rate
perWeightnumberAbsolute per weight rate


MONArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
TUEArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
WEDArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
THUArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
FRIArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
SATArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']
SUNArray time rangeArray of time ranges in format ["FROM TIME", "TO TIME"]. Ex: ['08:30', '13:30'], ['13:30', '19:00']


fromDatestringStarting date of the period, e.g. 2022-04-28.
toDatestringThe end date of the period, e.g. 2022-04-30.
repeatedAnnuallybooleanSpecifies whether the period repeats in the following years or not.


<ISO_LANG_CODE>stringTranslations for each available language. If no other translations are provided, the default language translations is returned. See available languages in store language settings


estimatedDeliveryDateAtCheckoutEnabledbooleantrue if the estimated delivery time is shown at checkout, otherwise false.
estimatedTransitTimeInDaysArray<number>How long it usually takes for the package to be delivered at the shipping address after being handed in to the shipping company. Field uses[from, to] format. The same number can be used, e.g.: [2, 2]. For an approximate time, use different values, e.g.: [2, 6].
fulfillmentTimeInDaysArray<number>How many days it usually takes you to prepare an order for shipment. That time will be taken into account when calculating the delivery date for customers. Field uses [from, to] format. The same number can be used, e.g.: [2, 2]. For an approximate time, use different values, e.g.: [2, 6].
cutoffTimeForSameDayPackingstringLocal time to pack orders received past this time on the next day in a 24-hour format, e.g.: "13:00"(in this case, orders placed after 13:00 will be scheduled for packing and shipping the next business day).
shippingBusinessDaysArray<string>Days of the week when your orders can be delivered. These days will be taken into account when calculating and displaying the approximate delivery date for customers at checkout.
[ "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SUN", "SAT" ]
deliveryDaysArray<string>Days of the week when you pack orders for shipment. Your schedule will be taken into account when calculating the delivery date for customers.
[ "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SUN", "SAT" ]