Get started with Webhooks

Webhooks are HTTP-based callback functions for lightweight, event-driven communication between two services. Webhooks are triggered automatically on our side and deliver essential details about store events to your application.

  • Webhook: Real-time POST notifications sent from Ecwid to applications.
  • Webhook URL: External endpoint for receiving webhooks from Ecwid hosted by application developer. Referred as webhookUrl.
  • Webhook events: A list of automatic triggers for sending a notification to webhookUrl.
  • Event: Trigger for sending a webhook. Consists of entity and action. For example, order.created notifies applications about new placed orders in the store, product.deleted notifies about a deleted product, application.installed notifies about a new application installed in the store.

Set up an application

If you don't have a custom app yet, please refer to this instruction.

Set up webhook URL

Receiving webhooks from Ecwid requires you to set up an HTTPS server with an endpoint listening for incoming POST requests from The endpoint must have a static link and use one of the allowed ports: 80, 443, or any port in range from 1024 to 65535.

Ecwid API allows setting up one webhookUrl per app. The same webhookUrl can be used in several applications.

Select webhook events

Ecwid can notify your application about many events from the store, for example, new orders, updated products, and deleted discount coupons. One webhookUrl can work with any combination of events or all of them at once.

List of entities for webhooks events:

OrderAbandoned cart
Store profileProduct
Product reviewProduct type
Advanced discountDiscount coupon
Personal data export requestPersonal data removal request

Receiving webhook event notifications requires having a matching scope, for example, order.created and unfinished_order.updated events require the read_catalog access scope.

Read more about supported webhook events.

Learn about webhook security

Our webhooks allow you to verify their authenticity with a signature header. You can also set up custom headers to pass additional data for identification or verification of webhooks coming from Ecwid.

Read more about webhook security methods.

Learn about webhook handling

We have a detailed guide about handling webhooks with PHP code examples. Read more about webhook handling and use code examples as a starting point for the development.

Request application update

Once you know how to handle webhooks and have an application, URL for receiving webhooks, and a list of events you want to receive, send us an email with all these details. We'll update the app for you as soon as possible.

You'll start receiving webhooks immediately after the update.