Get product filters

Get product filter facets from the Ecwid API – find available values for specific product options, price, keywords, attributes and more.

There is a native product filters widget available for the Ecwid storefronts. Learn more about it in our Help Center.

Access scopes

Requires the following access scope: read_catalog


All request parameters should be passed in the request body inside the 'params' object using the structure "Key": "Value"

filterFieldsstringComma-separated list of filters for Ecwid to return. Supported filters: "price","inventory","onsale","categories", "option_{optionName}", "attribute_{attributeName}". Example: "price,inventory,option_Size,attribute_Brand,categories". If option or attrubute has a comma or a backslash in its name, escape it with a backslash: "\". I.e. option name "Color, size" will transform to "option_Color\, size" in your request.

Filter limits

filterFacetLimitstringSet the number of filter values in response. Individual limit example: "onsale:all,attribute_Brand:50,option_Color:10". Default limit is 10.
filterParentCategoryIdstringSet parent category ID limit for categories filter field in response. "0" or "home" or empty value means there is no parent category. If you want to limit product results by categories, use categories product limit field below

Product limits

keywordstringSearch term. Use quotes to search for exact match. Ecwid searches products over multiple fields:
  • title
  • description
  • SKU
  • product options
  • category name
  • gallery image descriptions
  • attribute values (except for hidden attributes). If your keywords contain special characters, it may make sense to URL encode them before making a request
priceFromstringMinimum product price
priceTostringMaximum product price
categoriesstringLimit results by category IDs separated by a comma. Use "home" to get Store Home Page products. Example: "18265,12324,home"
includeProductsFromSubcategoriesstringSet "true" to include products from subcategories of specified "categories". Set "false" or omit the parameter to not include subcategories.
createdFromstringProduct create date/time (lower bound). Supported formats:
  • UNIX timestamp
  • 1447804800
createdTostringProduct last create date/time (upper bound). Supported formats:
  • UNIX timestamp
updatedFromstringProduct last update date/time (lower bound). Supported formats:
  • UNIX timestamp
updatedTostringProduct last update date/time (upper bound). Supported formats:
  • UNIX timestamp
enabledstringSet "true" to receive only enabled products. Set "false" ito receive only disabled products.
option_{optionName}stringFilter by product option values. Format: option_{optionName}=param[,param], where optionName is the attribute name and param is the attribute value. You can place several values separated by comma. In that case, values will be connected through logical "OR", and if the product has at least one of them it will get to the search results. Example:
attribute_{attributeName}stringFilter by product attribute values. Format: attribute_{attributeName}param[,param], where attributeName is the attribute name and param is the attribute value. You can place several values separated by comma. In that case, values will be connected through logical "OR", and if the product has at least one of them it will get to the search results. Example:
inventorystringUse "instock" to get in stock items only or "outofstock" for out of stock items.
onsalestringUse "onsale" to get on sale items only or "notonsale" for items not currently on sale
langstringPreferred language for the translated filter fields in search results. If a certain field does not have the translation available for the set language, the default language text will be used for that field


A JSON object with the following fields:

productCountnumberThe total number of found products
filters<ProductFilters>Store filters returned for this request


price<PriceFilter>Range of available prices
inventoryArray <FilterValue>Available values for inventory filter
onsaleArray <FilterValue>Available values for on sale filter
categoriesArray <FilterValue>List of categories result products are assigned to
option_{optionName}Array <FilterValue>List of available values for a specific product option
attribute_{attributeName}Array <AttributesFilterValue>List of available values for a specific product attribute


minValuenumberThe minimum price found for these products
maxValuenumberThe maximum price found for these products


idnumber/stringFilter value ID: category ID, "onsale", "outofstock"
titlestringFilter value name: option value, attribute value, "On sale", "Out of Stock", etc.
titleTranslatedstringTranslated title for the current entity for the lang value provided in your request. If translation is not available, default langage translation is used
productCountnumberNumber of products found for this specific filter


namestringAttribute name: "Brand", "Model number", etc.
nameTranslatedstringTranslated name for the attribure for the lang value provided in your request. If translation is not available, default langage translation is used
valuestringValues of the specified attribute
valueTranslatedstringTranslated values for the attribure for the lang value provided in your request.
productCountnumberNumber of products found for this specific filter


In case of error, Ecwid responds with an error HTTP status code and, optionally, JSON-formatted body containing error description

HTTP codes

HTTP StatusMeaningCode (optional)
400Request parameters are malformed
400Parameter filterFields is requiredFILTER_FIELDS_REQUIRED
403Access token doesn't have read_catalog scope
415Unsupported content-type: expected application/json or text/json
500Cannot complete request because of an error on the server

Error response body (optional)

errorMessagestringError message
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