Optimize custom website SEO with better URLs

When you add an Ecwid store to a custom website, it creates dynamic pages for the catalog, allowing customers to browse products without needing to reload the page. The URL updates automatically as they navigate. Ecwid generates different URL formats based on your website’s setup and the features you have enabled. Some of these URLs are shorter, making them more user-friendly and better for SEO.

By enabling specific features, you can optimize your product and category page URLs for improved readability and search engine (or SEO) performance.

See the comparison table below:

Feature enabledDescriptionCatalog URL example
NoneDefault URL generation on custom websites includes hashbang, URI-encoded product/category name, and its ID.https://example.com/store/#!/product-name/p/123456
Clean Store URLsRemoves the hashbang (/#!/) and product/category ID (/p/123456) from page URLs.https://example.com/store/product-name
Clean Store URLs + Custom Page SlugsAllows setting up custom slugs for product/category pages.https://example.com/store/custom-name

Learn more about both features in the following articles: