Search categories

Search or filter categories in a store catalog. The response provides basic details of found categories.

The order of categories in response sometimes does not represent their order in the Ecwid Control Panel or storefront. To have categories in that order, check the orderBy field value for each category returned by Ecwid and use it as a sort index in your application.

Request and response example


curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secret_ab***cd'


    "total": 1,
    "count": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "items": [
            "id": 172786255,
            "orderBy": 10,
            "hdThumbnailUrl": "",
            "thumbnailUrl": "",
            "originalImageUrl": "",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "originalImage": {
                "url": "",
                "width": 225,
                "height": 225
            "thumbnail": {
                "url": "",
                "width": 225,
                "height": 225
            "borderInfo": {
                "dominatingColor": {
                    "red": 255,
                    "green": 255,
                    "blue": 255,
                    "alpha": 255
                "homogeneity": true
            "name": "Best Toys",
            "nameTranslated": {
                "cs": "",
                "en": "Best Toys"
            "url": "",
            "autogeneratedSlug": "best-toys",
            "customSlug": "toys",
            "productCount": 0,
            "description": "",
            "descriptionTranslated": {
                "cs": "",
                "en": ""
            "enabled": true,
            "isSampleCategory": false,
            "seoTitle": "Best Toys",
            "seoTitleTranslated": {
                "cs": "",
                "en": "Best Toys"
            "seoDescription": "",
            "seoDescriptionTranslated": {
                "cs": "",
                "en": ""
            "alt": {}

Access scopes

Requires the following access scope: read_catalog

Path params

storeIdnumberEcwid store ID.

Query params

All query params are optional.

keywordstringSearch term for category name and description.
parentnumberParent category ID.
hidden_categoriesbooleanSet to true to include disabled categories.
baseUrlstringSet base URL for URLs in response. If not specified, Ecwid will use main URL from store settings.
cleanUrlsbooleanSet true to force receiving clean URLs – catalog links without hashbang (/#!/). By default Ecwid checks if this setting is enabled for the store and responds with matching URLs.
slugsWithoutIdsbooleanSet true to receive product page slugs without IDs. By default Ecwid checks if this setting is enabled for the store and responds with matching URLs.
offsetnumberSet offset from the beginning of the returned items list by a margin of 100 (for paging).
limitnumberMaximum number of returned items. Default value: 100. Maximum allowed value: 1000.
langstringLanguage ISO code for translations in JSON response, e.g. en, fr. Translates fields like: title, description, pickupInstruction, text, etc.
responseFieldsstringLimit JSON response by specific fields. If specified, all missing fields will be removed from the response body.
Example: ?responseFields=total,items(id,name,enabled)

Example of using responseFields param:

curl --location ',items(id,name,enabled)' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secret_ab***cd'
    "total": 1,
    "items": [
            "id": 172786255,
            "name": "Best Toys",
            "enabled": true


The Authorization header with a secret access token is required.

AuthorizationBearer secret_ab***cdAccess token of the application.


A JSON object with the following fields:

totalnumberThe total number of found items (might be more than the number of returned items)
countnumberThe total number of the items returned in this batch
offsetnumberOffset from the beginning of the returned items list (for paging)
limitnumberMaximum number of returned items. Maximum allowed value: 1000. Default value: 100
itemsArray itemsDetails about found categories.


idnumberInternal unique category ID.
parentIdnumberID of the parent category, if any.
orderBynumberSorting order of the category. Starts from 10. increments by 10.
hdThumbnailUrlstringURL for category thumbnail resized to fit 800x800px.
thumbnailUrlstringURL for category thumbnail. Resized to fit 400x400px by default.
imageUrlstringURL for category image. A resized original image to fit 1500x1500px.
originalImageUrlstringURL for the original category image. Not resized.
imageExternalIdstringImage ID for Lightspeed R-Series/X-Series image sync. Read-only
namestringCategory name.
nameTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for category name
originalImageObject originalImageDetails of the category image.
thumbnailObject thumbnailDetails of the category thumbnail.
originstringCategory origin. Exists only for categories synced outside of Ecwid, e.g. "origin": "LIGHTSPEED" Read-only
urlstringURL of the category page in the store.
autogeneratedSlugstringAutogenerated slug for the category page URL.
customSlugstringCustom slug for the category page URL.
productCountnumberNumber of products in the category and its subcategories. When the product count in the category changes, productCount value will update in several minutes.
enabledProductCountnumberNumber of enabled products in the category (excluding any subcategories). Requires the productIds=true query param.
descriptionstringThe category description in HTML.
descriptionTranslatedObject translationsAvailable translations for category description.
enabledbooleantrue if the category is enabled, false otherwise. Use hidden_categories in request to get disabled categories
productIdsArray of numbersIDs of products assigned to the category as they appear in Ecwid admin > Catalog > Categories. Requires productIds=true query param.
seoTitlestringSEO page title for web search results. Recommended length is under 55 characters.
seoTitleTranslatedstringSEO page title translations.
seoDescriptionstringSEO page description for web search results. Recommended length is under 160 characters.
seoDecriptionTranslatedstringSEO page description translations.
altObject altsAlt texts of a category image.


urlstringImage URL
widthintegerImage width
heightintegerImage height


urlstringImage URL
widthintegerImage width
heightintegerImage height


mainstringThe original alt text attached to a category image
<ISO_LANG_CODE>stringTranslations for each available language.


<ISO_LANG_CODE>stringTranslations for each available language. If no other translations are provided, the default language translations is returned. See available languages in store language settings
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!