Get latest store update stats

Check when latest changes were made in an Ecwid store.

Access scopes

Requires the following access scope: read_store_profile


A JSON object with the following fields:

productsUpdatedstringDate of the latest changes in store catalog (products, categories), e.g. 2014-10-15 16:54:11 +0400
ordersUpdatedstringDate of the latest changes in store orders, e.g. 2014-10-15 16:54:11 +0400
reviewsUpdatedstringDate of the latest changes in product reviews, e.g. 2024-10-15 16:54:11 +0400
domainsUpdatedstringDate of the latest changes in store domains, e.g. 2021-04-27 13:13:55 +0000
profileUpdatedstringDate of the latest changes in store information, e.g. 2014-10-15 16:54:11 +0400
categoriesUpdatedstringDate of the latest changes in store categories, e.g. 2014-10-19 12:23:12 +0400
discountCouponsUpdatedstringDate of the latest changes in store discount coupons, e.g. 2014-10-19 12:23:12 +0400
abandonedSalesUpdatedstringDate of the latest changes to abandoned carts in a store, e.g. 2014-10-19 12:23:12 +0400
customersUpdatedstringDate of the latest changes to customers in a store, e.g. 2014-10-19 12:23:12 +0400
subscriptionsUpdatedstringDate of the latest changes to subscriptions in a store, e.g. 2021-04-27 13:13:55 +0000
productCountRequirednumberThe number of all products in the store (demo excluded). See above to get it.
categoryCountRequirednumberThe number of all categories in the store. See above how to get it.
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