Supported webhook events


  • New order was placed
  • Order was updated
  • Order was deleted
  • Unfinished order was created
  • Unfinished order was updated
  • Unfinished order was deleted

order.updated and unfinished_order.updated events are triggered when any changes are made to an unfinished or completed order. Orders allows you to control and get information about unfinished and completed orders in a store.


Access scope required: read_orders (see Access scopes)


  • New product was created
  • Product was updated
  • Product was deleted

product.updated events are triggered when any part of a product is updated: quantity, categories assigned, product options, variations, attributes, images, pricing, etc. Products allows you to control and get information about products in a store.


Access scope required: read_catalog (see Access scopes)


  • New category created
  • Category was updated
  • Category was deleted

category.updated events are triggered when part of category is updated: parentId, order by index, category image, name, order of product listing, description, enabled status. Categories
allows you to control and get category information in a store.


Access scope required: read_catalog OR create_catalog OR update_catalog (see Access scopes).


  • Application was installed
  • Application subscription status was updated
  • Application was deleted

Application status allows you to check status of your application.


  • Store information updated
  • Store subscription plan was updated

Store profile allows you to get and update store information.


  • Customer was created
  • Customer was updated
  • Customer was deleted

Customers allows you to get and update customer information.

Discount coupons

  • Discount coupon was created
  • Discount coupon was updated
  • Discount coupon was deleted

Discount coupons allows you to get and update discount coupons information.


Access scope required: read_discount_coupons (see Access scopes)


  • Promotion was created
  • Promotion was updated
  • Promotion was deleted


Access scope required: read_promotion (see Access scopes)


  • Invoice was created
  • Invoice was deleted

These events are triggered when an invoice has been added or deleted for an order.


Access scope required: read_invoices (see Access scopes)

Personal data requests

  • Customer personal data removal request
  • Customer personal data export request
  • Profile personal data removal request
  • Profile personal data export request

These events are triggered each time a request to delete or export data is made.
Customer personal data request is a request of an export or removing personal data of the customer of the store where the application is installed.
Profile personal data request is a request of an export or removing personal data of the owner of the store where the application is installed.

Application storage

  • Application storage was changed

This event is triggered when a key is updated or deleted in the application storage.