Supporting your app

Support your users

Any user is a key to your app's success. Listening to users' feedback is crucial. They can contact you in many different places: your company’s website contact form, your support email, help sections of your website, and many more.

Resolving issues

When you receive a report from a user, in some cases you would need additional information about the store settings or anything else to help you find the source of the issue. Each application requires store owners to provide access to the store details, so to find out some certain settings, you can make an API request or check your local database for app settings.

If you are not able to troubleshoot an issue without accessing the Control Panel of a specific user, you must not ask login details of that Ecwid user. The store of a person is a way to make money and can have sensitive information, so users are very cautious about its security.

Our support team has access to any Control Panel, so if you need to find some details necessary for troubleshooting — please contact us. We will help you resolve any issues our mutual customer has.