Product pages

The product pages allow for more customization and better looking storefronts across all Ecwid stores. Check the available customization options below. If you apply any of the changes below after storefront has loaded, you can update its look on the fly using the Ecwid.refreshConfig() function. If the JS code is called before loading the storefront, then you need to add a check using the Ecwid.refreshConfig && Ecwid.refreshConfig() function.


To ensure you have the latest version enabled, check Ecwid Control Panel > Settings > What's new for new available features.

Set values for product options

Product details pages can have different product options for customers to choose from. Use the instructions below for changing product options for customer.

How to set value for product option

  1. Change the value of the input in DOM
  2. Send an event to Ecwid that value was changed

Changing values for different product option types

Radio button

Emulate click() event on the text label of a radio button

Text inputs

Update .value of text field, send 'input' event


Update the .checked property of a checkbox, send 'input' event


Update .value of a <select> element, send 'change' event


Check out an example code:

// Product details page is opened
// Change value of select in DOM
document.querySelector('.details-product-option--select .form-control--select select').value = 'XLarge';

// At this moment the value was changed, but Ecwid doesn't know about it. So the changes are not applied yet
// Send 'change' event to Ecwid to record the change
document.querySelector('.details-product-option--select .form-control--select select').dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));

// Now if a customer adds this product to cart, it will be added with this user selection

Set main layout of product pages

Set different layout of product pages. Defines how many columns the page contains, the column width, etc.



If you apply the change after storefront has loaded, you can update its look on the fly using the Ecwid.refreshConfig() function. If the JS code is called before loading the storefront, then you need to add a check using the Ecwid.refreshConfig && Ecwid.refreshConfig() function. = || Object(); = || Object(); = "THREE_COLUMNS_SIDEBAR_ON_THE_RIGHT"; // set product page layout

Control visibility of elements in product details pages = || Object(); = || Object(); = VALUE; 
  Ecwid.refreshConfig(); = || Object(); = || Object(); = false;


Config nameTypeDescription
product_details_show_product_namebooleanShow or hide product name. Defines the visibility of the product name on product pages. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_breadcrumbsbooleanDefines the visibility of breadcrumbs on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_product_skubooleanDefines the visibility of SKU on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_product_pricebooleanDefines the visibility of price on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_sale_pricebooleanDefines the visibility of sale price on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_price_per_unitbooleanDefines the visibility of price per unit on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_taxbooleanDefines the visibility of tax on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_product_optionsbooleanDefines the visibility of product options on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_hide_price_modifiersbooleanDefines the visibility of price modifiers on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: false. Price modifiers are available for product options. See: Ecwid Control Panel > Catalog > Edit Product > Options tab > Price modifiers.
product_details_show_buy_buttonbooleanDefines the visibility of buy button block on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_qtybooleanDefines the visibility of 'Qty' on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: false
product_details_show_attributesbooleanShow or hide product attributes. Defines the visibility of the product name on product pages. Possible values: truefalse
product_details_show_weightbooleanShow or hide product weight. Defines the visibility of the product name on product pages. Possible values: truefalse
product_details_show_number_of_items_in_stockbooleanDefines the visibility of number of items in stock on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_in_stock_labelbooleanDefines the visibility of 'In stock' label on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_wholesale_pricesbooleanDefines the visibility of wholesale prices on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_product_descriptionbooleanDefines the visibility of product description on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_save_for_laterbooleanDefines the visibility of 'Save for Later' block on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_share_buttonsbooleanDefines the visibility of all share buttons on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_facebook_share_buttonbooleanDefines the visibility of Facebook share button on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_pinterest_share_buttonbooleanDefines the visibility of Pinterest share button on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_twitter_share_buttonbooleanDefines the visibility of Twitter share button on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_vk_share_buttonbooleanDefines the visibility of VKontakte share button on product page. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_additional_images_has_shadowbooleanDefines the shadow visibility for gallery images. If "true", adds shadow to gallery thumbnails. Makes the thumbnails slightly darker to make them stand out against the white background. Possible values: true, false. Default value: false
product_details_image_carouselbooleanDefines the shadow visibility for gallery images. If true, adds the ability to scroll product images without opening full-screen image viewer. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_show_qtybooleanHide the 'Qty' section for customers in product details pages. Possible values: true to show the 'Qty' section, and false to hide it
product_details_show_in_stock_labelbooleanHide the 'In stock' label for customers in product details pages. Possible values: true to show the 'In stock' label, and false to hide it
product_details_show_number_of_items_in_stockbooleanHide the number if items in stock for customers in product details pages. Possible values: true to show the number of items in stock, and false to hide it
show_skubooleanHide or show the product SKU in the catalog (product list and product details page). Has less priority than product_list_sku_behavior
product_details_show_subtitlebooleanDefines the visibility of product subtitles in product details pages. Possible values: true to show the subtitle, and false to hide it
product_details_show_navigation_arrowsbooleanEnable or disable navigation arrows to switch between product images inside product pages. Possible values: true to enable, and false to disable
product_details_show_product_photo_zoombooleanEnable or disable on hover zoom of a main product image in product details pages. Possible values: true to enable on hover zoom, and false to disable

If you apply the change after storefront has loaded, you can update its look on the fly using the Ecwid.refreshConfig() function.

Control the layout of product details page = || Object(); = || Object(); = VALUE; 


Config nameTypeDescription
product_details_show_product_name_always_first_on_mobilebooleanDefines the position of the product name on mobile. If true, the product name always shows on top on the mobile version. Possible values: true, false. Default value: false
product_details_cut_product_description_in_sidebarbooleanIf true, cuts long product description and displays only one paragraph and "Show more" link to see full info. If false, the description shows as is no matter its size. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_two_columns_with_right_sidebar_show_product_description_on_sidebarbooleanIf true, the product description shows in sidebar according to its position. Otherwise it shows below product image. For two column layout with sidebar on the right only. Possible values: true, false. Default value: false
product_details_two_columns_with_left_sidebar_show_product_description_on_sidebarbooleanIf true, the product description shows in sidebar according to its position. Otherwise it shows below product image. For two column layout with sidebar on the left only. Possible values: true, false. Default value: false
product_details_gallery_layoutstringSet different layout of gallery on product pages.
  • "IMAGE_SINGLE_THUMBNAILS_HORIZONTAL" shows them below image in a classic way with small thumbnails next to each other.
  • "IMAGE_SINGLE_THUMBNAILS_VERTICAL" shows additional product images on the left from the main image.
  • "IMAGE_FEED" shows the them as feed with large detailed images.
product_details_additional_images_preview_on_clickbooleanDefines the gallery behaviour on image click. If true, shows the additional product image in the place of main product image when clicking on gallery thumbnail. If false, the image viewer opens when clicking on image thumbnails. Not relevant if product_details_gallery_layout==IMAGE_FEED. Possible values: true, false. Default value: true
product_details_thumbnails_aspect_ratiostringSet the image aspect ratio for gallery tumbnails. If "AUTO" each thumbnails has the ratio that closest to its actual proportions. However you can force different ratio to all thumbnails. Possible values: "AUTO", "PORTRAIT_0667", "PORTRAIT_075", "SQUARE_1", "LANDSCAPE_1333", "LANDSCAPE_15". Default value: "AUTO"
product_details_show_breadcrumbs_positionstringPossible values: PRODUCT_DETAILS_SIDEBAR - standard breadcrumbs navigation, NAVIGATION_CONTAINER - adds navigation arrows to product pages to switch between product pages

If you apply the change after storefront has loaded, you can update its look on the fly using the Ecwid.refreshConfig() function.

Control position of elements on product details pages = || Object(); = || Object(); = VALUE; 
Config nameTypeDescription
product_details_position_product_namenumberDefines the position of the product name. The less number, the higher the element on the page. Default value: 100
product_details_position_breadcrumbsnumberDefines the position of the breadcrumbs within the sidebar. The less the number is, the higher the element on the page**. Default value: 200
product_details_position_product_skunumberDefines the position of the SKU within the sidebar. The less the number is, the higher the element on the page**. Default value: 300
product_details_position_product_pricenumberDefines the position of the SKU within the sidebar. The less the number is, the higher the element on the page**. Default value: 400
product_details_position_product_optionsnumberDefines the position of the product options within the sidebar. The less the number is, the higher the element on the page**. Default value: 500
product_details_position_subtitlenumberDefines the position of the subtitle within the sidebar. The less the number is, the higher the element on the page. Default value: 500
product_details_position_buy_buttonnumberDefines the position of the buy button block within the sidebar. The less the number is, the higher the element on the page**. Default value: 600
product_details_position_wholesale_pricesnumberDefines the position of the wholesale pricing table within the sidebar. The less the number is, the higher the element on the page**. Default value: 700
product_details_position_product_descriptionnumberDefines the position of the product description within the sidebar. The less the number is, the higher the element on the page**. Default value: 800
product_details_position_save_for_laternumberDefines the position of the 'Save for Later' block within the sidebar. The less the number is, the higher the element on the page**. Default value: 900
product_details_position_share_buttonsnumberDefines the position of the share buttons within the sidebar. The less the number is, the higher the element on the page. Default value: 1000

If you apply the change after storefront has loaded, you can update its look on the fly using the Ecwid.refreshConfig() function. If the JS code is called before loading the storefront, then you need to add a check using the Ecwid.refreshConfig && Ecwid.refreshConfig() function.

Customize date picker on product details pages = {	
	'minDate': new Date(new Date().getTime() + 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
	'maxDate': new Date(2022, 12, 31),
	'showTime': true,
	'incrementMinuteBy': 30
Config nameTypeDescription
product_details_datepicker_optionsbooleanAllows customization of product date picker options. Supports all the same fields as the date picker in extra fields

Date picker gets settings at the moment the user clicks it. So there is no need in the Ecwid.refreshConfig() function.