Update custom checkout field


AuthorizationstringoAuth token with mandatory Bearer before it. Example: Bearer e***s0, where e***s0 should be replaced with your oAuth token.


A JSON array with elements of type 'ExtraField' with the following fields:


keystringKey of the custom checkout field in a store
titlestringCustom field title at checkout
checkoutDisplaySectionstringAccepts several values: email, shipping_address, pickup_details, shipping_methods, pickup_methods, payment_details. If the field is missing or an unsupported value is used, the field will be hidden from customer and merchant
orderDetailsDisplaySectionstringDefines where the extra field values will be shown to customer and merchant. Supported values: shipping_info, billing_info, customer_info, order_comments. More on this in Show extra fields in an order section.
valuestringDefault value used to prefill the extra field's value for user
typestringAccepts several values: text, textarea, select, checkbox, toggleButtonGroup, radiobuttons, datetime, label. Default is text. More on this below
tipstringShow a tip for filling the field under the input (ignored if type is textarea or checkbox)
availablebooleanIf true, the field is shown and saved as an extra field. If false, the field completely ignored. true is default
textPlaceholderstringA text placeholder for text and textarea input fields
optionsArray<options>Several options to choose from the select field, checkbox, radio_buttons or toggle_button_group buttons. If selectOptions is not set, field is transformed to text type
requiredbooleanIf not specified the default value is false. Set true to prevent continuing checkout if an extra field is ignored by customers
showInInvoicebooleanIf not specified the default value is false. Set true to show extra field in order invoices.
showInNotificationsbooleanIf not specified the default value is false. Set true to show extra field in order emails. orderDetailsDisplaySection sets the part where the extra field will appear.
surchargenumberSurcharge numerical value
surchargeTypestringThis attribute allows setting surcharge as a fixed sum to the cart total or a percentage sum depending on the cart total. Accepts ABSOLUTE and PERCENT values.
surchargeShortNameObj<surchargeShortName>Surcharge name in the cart details section (where subtotal, discount, total, etc values are shown). If this attribute is not specified, the default !Surcharge.default_text! name will be shown on the cart details section
options → surchargenumberSurcharge attribute can be specified in each object inside options array. If the extra field surchargeType is ABSOLUTE, Ecwid will add a fixed sum to the order total specified in the surcharge attribute. If the extra field surchargeType is PERCENT, Ecwid will calculate the sum for a surcharge based on the order total and percentage value specified in the surcharge attribute.
showZeroSurchargeInTotalbooleanIf not specified, the default value is true. If true, the surcharge name and its 0 value will be shown on the cart details section (if the surcharge attribute is set to 0 or not specified inside the options array). If false, 0 surcharge name and its value won't be shown on the cart details section.
surchargeTaxablebooleanDefines if taxes should be applied to the surcharge.
showForPaymentMethodIdsArray of stringsDetects whether an extra field should be visible for some certain payment methods only. Contains payment method IDs for which an extra field should be visible. E.g. "showForPaymentMethodIds": ["4959-1595934622523","4959-2345934622523"].
showForShippingMethodIdsArray of stringsDetects whether an extra field should be visible for some certain shipping methods only. Contains shipping method IDs for which an extra field should be visible. E.g. "showForShippingMethodIds": ["4969-1534934622531","4969-2348834622511"].
showForCountryArray of stringsDetects whether an extra field should be visible for certain countries only. Contains ISO country codes for which an extra field should be visible. E.g. "showForCountry": ["RU", "US"].
titleTranslatedobj<Translations>keeps the translations for extra field title
tipTranslatedobj<Translations>keeps the translations for extra field tip
valueTranslatedobj<Translations>keeps the translations for extra field value
textPlaceholderTranslatedobj<Translations>keeps the translations for extra field textPlaceholder
selectOptionsTranslatedobj<Translations>keeps the translations for extra field selectOptionsTranslated
surchargeShortNameTranslatedobj<Translations>keeps the translations for extra field surchargeShortNameTranslated


<ISO_LANG_CODE>stringTranslations for each available language. If no other translations are provided, the default language translations is returned. See available languages in store language settings


Error response example:

HTTP/1.1 400 Field Extrafields.title is absent
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8

In case of error, Ecwid responds with an error HTTP status code and, optionally, JSON-formatted body containing error description

HTTP codes

HTTP StatusDescription
400Request parameters are invalid
403Access token doesn't have update_store_profile scope
500Cannot perform a request because of an error on the server

Error response body (optional)

errorMessagestringError message