Product listing

The product listing allows for more customization and better looking storefronts across all Ecwid stores. Check out the available customization options below. If you apply any of the changes below after storefront has loaded, you can update its look on the fly using the Ecwid.refreshConfig() function.


To ensure you have the latest version enabled, check Ecwid Control Panel > Settings > What's new for new available features.

Adding new elements to product grid

The product listing (category pages) works in a specific way, which requires different approach to adding new elements to a page.

Check this page for code example: Add new element to products in category pages

Control display of elements in product grid = || Object(); = || Object(); = VALUE; 
  Ecwid.refreshConfig(); = || Object(); = || Object(); = "SHOW_ON_HOVER"; // shows product SKU on hover in product list


Config nameTypeDescription
enable_catalog_on_one_pagebooleantrue to display store catalog on a single page (list of multiple categories with products). false to display a list of categories and display one category at a time only
enable_simple_category_listbooleanDefines the configuration of the option that makes the same number of cards in all rows. Possible values: true to enable this option, false to disable it.
product_list_title_behaviorstringControl display mode of product title in product listing (category pages). Possible values: "SHOW", "HIDE", "SHOW_ON_HOVER"
product_list_sku_behaviorstringControl display mode of product SKU in product listing (category pages). Possible values: "SHOW", "HIDE", "SHOW_ON_HOVER"
product_list_price_behaviorstringControl display mode of product price in product listing (category pages). Possible values: "SHOW", "HIDE", "SHOW_ON_HOVER"
product_list_subtitles_behaviorstringControl display mode of product subtitle in product listing (category pages). Possible values: "SHOW", "HIDE", "SHOW_ON_HOVER"
product_list_buybutton_behaviorstringControl the way 'Buy now' buttons are displayed in product listing (category pages). Possible values: "SHOW", "HIDE", "SHOW_ON_HOVER". Important: the 'Buy now' button must first be enabled in the Ecwid Control Panel > Settings > General > Cart > Show "Buy now" buttons on products list pages
product_list_show_framebooleanShow or hide the frame / border for products in product listing (category pages). Possible values: true, false
product_list_product_info_layoutstringSet align of sku/price/name section in product listing (category pages). Works for name/sku/price shown below the image. Doesn't apply to name/sku/price shown on hover.. Possible values: "CENTER", "LEFT", "JUSTIFY", "RIGHT"
breadcrumbs_separatorstringSet custom breadcrumbs separator in product listing (category pages). For example: Store / SubCategory / SubSubCategory or Store -> SubCategory -> SubSubCategory or any other custom string. Possible values: any string, e.g. "/", "*", "->", etc
product_list_category_title_behaviorstringControl the way category names are displayed in product listing (category pages). Possible values: "SHOW_ON_IMAGE" – default, "SHOW_BELOW_IMAGE", "HIDE", "SHOW_ON_HOVER"
product_list_show_product_imagesbooleanShow or hide product images in product listing. Defines the visibility of the product name on product pages. Possible values: truefalse. Default value: true
product_filters_position_category_pagestringSet product filters position on category pages. Possible values: "RIGHT" – default, "LEFT".
product_filters_position_search_pagestringSet product filters position on search results pages. Possible values: "LEFT" – default, "RIGHT".
product_filters_opened_by_default_on_category_pagebooleantrue to show product filters by default on category pages. false to hide them by default.

If you apply the change after storefront has loaded, you can update its look on the fly using the Ecwid.refreshConfig() function. If the JS code is called before loading the storefront, then you need to add a check using the Ecwid.refreshConfig && Ecwid.refreshConfig() function.

Customize images in product listing = || Object(); = || Object(); = VALUE; 
  Ecwid.refreshConfig(); = || Object(); = || Object(); = true; // shows shadow for products in product list


Config nameTypeDescription
product_list_image_sizestringControl the size of product image in product listing (category pages). Possible values: "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "LARGE"
product_list_image_aspect_ratiostringControl the aspect ratio of product image in product listing (category pages). Possible values: "PORTRAIT_0667", "PORTRAIT_075", "SQUARE", "LANDSCAPE_1333", "LANDSCAPE_15"
product_list_image_has_shadowbooleanShow or hide the shadow effect for product images in product listing (category pages). If true, it also makes images slightly darker to make them stand out against the white background. Possible values: true, false
product_list_show_additional_image_on_hoverbooleanShow or hide the additional image on hover in product listing (category pages). Possible values: true, false
product_list_image_positionstringSet product image display mode in product listing (category pages).
  • COVER: product image is set as block background proportionally to remove any empty spaces.
  • FIT: product image is set to fit into block. Any empty space is filled with an image background color.
  • AUTO: Ecwid fits the image based on its parameters.
Possible values: "AUTO", "COVER", "FIT". Default: "AUTO"
product_list_category_image_aspect_ratiostringControls the aspect ratio of category image in category listing. Possible values: PORTRAIT_0667PORTRAIT_075SQUARELANDSCAPE_1333LANDSCAPE_15
product_list_category_image_positionstringSet category image display mode in product listing (category pages).
  • COVER: category image is set as block background proportionally to remove any empty spaces.
  • FIT: category image is set to fit into block. Any empty space is filled with an image background color.
  • AUTO: Ecwid fits the image based on its parameters.
Possible values: "AUTO", "COVER", "FIT". Default: depends on the setting in Ecwid Control Panel – category name position. "COVER" if category name is shown on image, "AUTO" for other values
product_list_category_image_sizestringControls the size of category image in category listing. Possible values: SMALLMEDIUMLARGE
product_list_show_on_sale_labelbooleanShow or hide the "ON SALE" label in product listing (category pages). Label will be displayed only when product has "compare to" price set. Possible values: true, false. Default: true. If both "SOLD OUT" and "ON SALE" labels are enabled, the "SOLD OUT" label will be shown only.
product_list_show_sold_out_labelbooleanShow or hide the "SOLD OUT" label in product listing (category pages). Label will be displayed only when product is out of stock. Possible values: true, false. Default: true. If both "SOLD OUT" and "ON SALE" labels are enabled, the "SOLD OUT" label will be shown only
product_list_show_name_your_price_labelbooleanShow or hide the  “name your price” label in product listing (category pages). Label will be displayed only when the "name your price" function enabled for the product. Possible values: truefalse. Default: true. If both "SOLD OUT" and “name your price” labels are enabled, the "SOLD OUT" label will be shown only.

If you apply the change after storefront has loaded, you can update its look on the fly using the Ecwid.refreshConfig() function.

Set custom spacing between grid elements = || Object(); = || Object(); = 20; 


Config nameTypeDescription
product_list_category_cell_spacingintegerSet your custom spacing between categories in product listing (category pages) in pixels. If applied, categories will become smaller to allow for the set spacing. Default: not set.
product_list_cell_spacingintegerSet your custom spacing between products in product listing (category pages) in pixels. If applied, products will become smaller to allow for the set spacing. Default: not set

If you apply the change after storefront has loaded, you can update its look on the fly using the Ecwid.refreshConfig() function.